Friday, August 21, 2009

Armageddon - Who What Where When Why How And Why the End will NOT Come in 2012

This is the key - making decisions based on love - not fear, and having hope for the things to come. Why are these words the first in an article about Armageddon? Hope for what? What really is Armageddon? Will the earth be destroyed? What about the people on it? Why do so many cultures point toward a time of world destruction? Is nuclear war the same as Armageddon? Is it really coming in 2012? What happens after Armageddon? How can my family and I be safe? Is there anything we can do right now? What happens after Armageddon? These are important questions to consider, since you and your families are probably involved in the fulfillment of many of the inspired prophecies about this world shift.

We are now living in the Great Tribulation, which precedes Armageddon. These changes have been foretold by many cultures for the last several thousand years. Similar to hearing thunder and sensing rain before the storm, the Great Tribulation is a prelude of distressing cycles of terrible events we are currently experiencing and seeing in the news today. Like the waves on the sea, these cycles will ebb and flow. There will not be a constant downward spiral, but also times the beach can rest from the pounding of the surf. But as Armageddon gets closer the cycle speeds up, and the time of catching one’s breath will be less and less. This means, for example, that the economy will get better but the time of it being so will not last long; then it will fall back down again, rise back up for even a shorter time, then crash back down, etc.

Seeing this unrelenting ebb and flow of difficulties, many people will be misled into thinking that this is the “new normal,” that this is how life is. During this time, there will be people who are stimulated to great anger, unreasonableness and destructive pursuits. Others will go about their daily lives by trying to distance themselves from other people and minutely controlling every aspect of how the world outside affects them. And because of the difficulties and high emotion of the constant surges of trauma, a kind of shock will set in, where vast amounts of people will go to great lengths to ignore what is going on because facing it seems overwhelming. This is why less people are watching the news, or getting involved in helping their neighbors or the community around them. Some are isolating themselves from the reality of what is going on, even to the point of pursuing self-contained lifestyles or storing commodities and the weapons to defend them. (Luke 17:26-30) (Matthew 24:3-35) These are all decisions based on fear.

However, there are also people who recognize these as signs and are remembering who they are as children of God, and are feeling a need to expand their spiritual pursuits now more than ever. Part of this is a gnawing feeling that they’re not doing all they should be, and that they need to start doing it soon. As they seek God, he allows himself to found by them; and in doing so they find themselves. In questioning who they are, why they are here, who God is, what is going on, etc., the true answers will resonate within them. With this expanded awareness they will often see God differently than they originally believed, and a personal Divine connection of confidence and faith begins to grow. They begin to remember it is all about unconditional love, and that love is the core quality of the essence of God. Their discernment will sharpen between what is of love and what is not; and therefore what is of God or not. They will shake off any negative choices of panic, anger, or apathy and replace them with hope, faith and peace. They begin to hold conversations with God in their minds, and flourish in this undertone of prayer. Many of these connected people will be gifted a strength beyond themselves to be Divine instruments blessed by God to be his hands and mouth for incredible transformations and miracles of all forms. These miracles are another opportunity to help people have less distress during the great shift of Armageddon. For as the dark gets darker, the light gets brighter, and we can have hope for the things to come because love wins. This is why as we go through the tribulation and on toward Armageddon, we do not have to be afraid. (Daniel 12, Joel 2:28-32) But what really is Armageddon?

The word “Armageddon” literally means “God’s War,” it is not brought about by mankind, and it is not nuclear war. During God’s war the earth will not be destroyed, but the world will be. What does this mean? If you are familiar with the Bible, you may have read some verses that seem to contradict themselves in this regard, since in many versions the words “world,” “land” and “earth” have been haphazardly exchanged with each other, but by doing that the original meaning is lost. However, this is not the case when the original meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words are accurately translated, since some words are to be rendered “world,” and some are “earth.” There is a big difference – for example, one of the words translated “world” is from “cosmos,” which is where we get the word “cosmetics,” which means “surface arrangement of things.” This will help Bible students understand that when God promises “the meek shall inherit the earth,” (Psalms 37:11) and “the earth abides forever,” (Psalms 37:29) it is no contradiction to places that reference the world being destroyed, “the world is passing away.” (1 John 2:17) (1 Corinthians 7:31) For those who read the scriptures, remember that reading Holy books are like a big jigsaw puzzle. Looking at one piece is not enough to figure out the image, but as more and more pieces are filled in, the entire picture can be clearly seen. This is also why many inspired references are symbolic, and not literal, though often the real meaning behind it is given in another text. God made the planet earth as a beautiful and treasured creation, but the surface arrangement of how things are done will be absolutely changed, and this shift is called Armageddon.

We were made as reasoning, thinking beings. We are aware of the continuing desolation of the earth and how humankind now stands at a critical crossroads with the environment and with itself. All signs show we are at the brink of many different catastrophes, and something needs to be done quickly. If you were God, what would you do? You might liken the situation to owning a beautiful series of condominiums, which you took great pride to build just so. Each unit is completely furnished - even to the point of the refrigerator being fully stocked – and the grounds are beautifully landscaped. Because of your great wealth and generosity, you have also given all electricity, commodities, and even the rent for free. All you have asked in return of your tenants is to cultivate an attitude of love toward their landlord, their neighbor, and themselves. (Mark 12:28-31) But, tenants in one of your units decide to throw waste all over the grounds, destroy their unit, beat up their neighbors, and even bad-mouth you, the landlord. What would you do? You would not destroy the condominiums – you would simply oust the bad tenants and restore the damaged unit. This is God’s plan too, except that he has repeatedly shown great patience with the tenants; giving them free 24-hour access to his home phone number, offering information, booklets and self-help classes, sending personal representatives to help, and suggesting group meetings for community support. As a perfect and loving landlord who wishes none to be homeless, he continues to give these opportunities to stay and work things out before the eviction notice finally goes up on the door. But who are these bad tenants, and how did they get that way?

In the beginning, all was of God; there was not a place that Divine Love was not. He was complete and whole within himself, lacking nothing. But like a happy couple who decides to have children to share their love, God chose to create. In order to do this he had to make a bubble separate from himself so the thoughts and actions would not be governed by him. God did not want clones or robots simply acting out a program, but individual opportunities for love to grow and expand. This bubble was free will. Angels were the first creations, and each has free will. Each knew from the beginning the difference between kindness and wickedness, between light and dark, and between good and evil. Mankind was also created with free will, and in the image of God. “In the image of God” does not mean the same as God, but rather an image like a mirror reflection. In each of us our spirit has the ability to reflect kindness, forgiveness, generosity, sharing, and all the facets of Divine Love. But besides free will, there is the misuse of free will. Free will works like this: if a person desires ice cream they may drive to a parlor and choose between any number of flavors in any number of cones, with any kind of candies or toppings. The misuse of free will is a person driving to the parlor, taking out a gun and shooting the attendant. Just as there are laws in place in our towns and countries to us help us keep and enjoy our freedoms, there are also healthy perimeters on free will. During the Great Tribulation, and especially during Armageddon, humankind will find it harder to discern what the healthy perimeters are, and many will be injured or killed. Why is this so? There are basically six reasons why people will perish:

(1). God and what he loves has enemies. Some of the Holy Angels decided to misuse free will and made themselves unHoly Angels, and they are bent on causing mistrust and slander of the Great Landlord. This includes trying to destroy all that God holds dear, which includes humankind and the earth. The demons detest a kingship based on the law of love, preferring a dictatorship of fear instead, with them in charge. The demons’ focus has been to prove their point in three original issues regarding humankind’s interactions with God. That humankind: (a). can rule themselves successfully without God, (b). comes to God only for what they can get out of him, (c). will turn against God if it means saving themselves.

Basically, the demons are saying that love doesn’t work and no one wants it, thereby putting the source of love out of the picture. God could have destroyed these rebellers in the beginning, but he had confidence in humankind and Love’s right to rule, and allowed these questions to be answered in front of all Angels and other beings in the universe. This is a major case, and the answer will stand to time indefinite. If the question about Love’s right to rule is ever brought up again it will not have to be settled, but only the previous proof and verdict recited. Similar to a wise judge in a court case, God in his patience has allowed time for the evidence to be gathered and all voices to be heard, and this is why several thousand years of struggle had to go by. This means the world has been under the temporary rule of Satan all this time, although the One in charge is God. (Matthew 4:1-11). Now here we are at the culmination of that great court case, and the jury has just handed the verdict over to be read. The conclusion? History has proven love is the better way - and God is vindicated on all counts. This is what we are praying for in familiar verses of The Lord’s Prayer “…Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, let your kingdom come…” (Matthew 6:9,10) Meanwhile, like convicted criminals on death row, Satan and the unHoly Angels know they have only a short period of time and want to create as much devastation, manipulation and death as possible before they are put out of commission. (Job 1:8-12; 2:4) (Revelation 12:7-12)

(2). Bad upbringing – Adamic generational bondage. Our original parents Adam and Eve chose to side with the unHoly Angels and made themselves “bad tenants” and all of us were born into their household. Yet this is not a death sentence – it does not make us all bad tenants, because we each have free will and can make our own choices on how we behave. However, each of us are now born missing the mark – we do not naturally come in with the God-given clarity and perfection we were created to have, and we have to consciously decide to pursue the better way. It is similar to an aluminum cake pan being dropped and getting a dent in it; now every cake made in that pan will have a dent in it and be imperfect. This makes it crucial to search outside of our own understanding and be open to receiving Divine help and guidance, because we can’t figure it all out on our own. But we have a spark within us from the Great Candle, and that flame will grow stronger and brighter as we add fuel. We just have to take action and choose to do so, and in this way we remember who we are and who we were meant to be, beyond the darkness that we see. (Romans 5:12-19) (John 16:5-11)

(3). Personal attack. Our personal bubble of free will may have holes in it by having been targeted by unHoly Angels and people easily manipulated by them. This can occur through physical, emotional or sexual abuse, addictions, willful sin, some medications, severe lack of self-confidence, overwhelming grief or depression, unforgiveness towards self, others, and situations, and choosing fear over love. These holes can be healed by recognizing what is creating them and asking for specific help by closing them with a Deliverance prayer. Just like a mechanic needs a variety of tools to fix a car, there are also specific prayers for some things that cause people to be broken. Calling the Landlord’s “telephone number” and utilizing “information, booklets, self-help classes, representatives and meetings of community support” gives us prayer, inspired information, help from Angels, and specific Holy words to heal all wounds. This includes not only the Deliverance prayer, but the Divine Decrees and other information to encourage us. We can also choose to go to places of fellowship where the love of God is highlighted, and gather with others for prayer and support as well. (1 Peter 5:6-9) (Hebrews 10:23-25)

(4). Generational bondage. Repetitive difficulties or what seems to be “bad luck” may cloud a person’s life or an entire family because of generational bondage. Centuries of family problems can be passed down this way; stimulated by evil intent, dabbling in the occult, or curses, hexes or negative prayers sent toward certain family members.. This problem can be recognized by pervasive physical, mental or emotional troubles recurring down through family lines. It might present itself as a repetitive physical disease such as cancer or diabetes, or an emotional one such as depression or anger. We will recognize it as a number of recurrent unhealthy things in ourselves, our parents, grandparents or great grandparents. This problem also has a tool to fix it, called the Prayer for Breaking Generational Bondage, which not only helps the person saying it, but breaks the bondage going forward and backward throughout time. This allows one person to be a healer for all their blood line, including any children not yet born. Cutting this bondage helps a person have more clarity and peace, and to identify the things of God much easier; thus making better choices and feeling a better spiritual connection without the additional cloud of negativity hanging over their heads. (Exodus 34:6,7)

(5). Inability to discern between right and wrong. One-third of mankind cannot truly recognize and discern what is a choice of love, and what is not. This is because lifetime after lifetime one out of three people have continually made choices wholly based on fear instead of love. So instead of learning and polishing the facets of love and expanding upon them, they have stagnated and truly cannot discern the difference between right and wrong. And now with the full-court press upon them by the unHoly Angels, it is too late to figure it out. They are under more manipulation than ever before and it is not possible for them to understand what the better choices are. “…the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” (Daniel 12:,9-10) This means not all bad tenants are going to change, and they will end up being evicted. During Armageddon, much manipulation will occur to this group of people, and through this group of people to others. It is as though their bubble of free will is as cheesecloth, and they become pawns of the unHoly Angels to sicken and destroy as much as possible, which also means some of the 2/3, which is their main target, will be killed by their hand. Much of the destruction that occurs during Armageddon is a partnership between the visible third of mankind and the invisible unHoly Angels as they act out against God and what he has created. The rest of the destruction is supernatural cosmic events that the unHoly themselves directly perpetrate upon the earth, but all of this is allowed by God for only a short period of time.

(6). Not asking and not listening. If a person does not ask for directions, they cannot be guided, and no human has a map in their hands for what is coming. During Armageddon, everything will continue to change very quickly, and what seems to be a safe plan now may not be in five minutes. There will be earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, severe storms, rampant sickness and disease, and out of control people looking to perpetrate harm upon each of us. But God has a plan of his own, with myriads of Holy Angels and all Divine information to lead us safely through the mine fields. Our path is not to rely upon our own understanding, but to follow through on what God says, without delay. “As the arrow leaves the bow for your destruction, you will be told to move right, or to move left, and you must do so without hesitation and without question.” This is inspired information for all of us, and each person is encouraged to ask God and hear for themselves what to do in any situation, and to have the discernment to recognize if another person’s inspired answer is for them as well. For God continues to bless individuals with different gifts that glorify him, including leadership in difficult situations. This is the time to nurture your faith, and to recognize it within others, so your clarity will not only help guide yourself, but others. (Hebrews 3:7-19)

Think of the war of Armageddon as a boxing match. God is the referee and always knew who would win – but because of free will he allows the contender to have his day, step into the ring, and try to prove himself against his opponent. But the contenders are unevenly matched - Satan, his unHoly Angels and the manipulated 1/3 of mankind against the tested and proven son of the referee - Jesus Christ, his Holy Angels and the 2/3 of mankind. God has allowed the match, oversees it, and rings the bell. So the boxing match would actually be considered God’s, but he is not the one throwing the punches. Without God’s authority, the match would not have happened at all, and then all onlookers would forever be wondering who would have won if the fight had occurred. So God allowed the fight to happen, and the answer will stand to time indefinite. In this way, Armageddon is God’s war, but he is not the one who does the destruction, but it is by his authority that the seals are broken, the trumpets blow, and the four horseman ride; while his champion son successfully defends his title and awaits his Father’s instructions and timing for the final knock-out. (Revelation chapters 5-9) The winner is announced: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15) How long will this fight go on?

This war will be much shorter than the Great Tribulation. It will only be allowed to go so long – since God is in control and will step in and save, cupping the majority of humankind in his protective hand. (Matthew 24:21,22) When this happens the unHoly Angels have none left to slaughter, and will fight against one another through those left of humanity that they still control, to the death. It is at this time Jesus Christ and the warrior Holy Angels defeat the demons and bind and encapsulate them until the end of the first thousand years of God’s kingdom. This ushers in the beginning of God’s kingdom of great peace upon the earth, with the majority of humankind being saved right through Armageddon and stepping into the new world, having never died. No matter their age, in the kingdom their bodies will now start to change to a state of perfect youth, which individually may be between the ages of mid 20s to early 30s. Then a great resurrection occurs of the rest of the 2/3 who were killed during Armageddon, and others who have been in the heavens. The 1/3 will enter into the new kingdom of God through being born into family units, with a loving mother and father to nurture them, for God continues to show his mercy upon those who fell into subjection. There is a great teaching program on the other side of Armageddon, where all humankind, including those who where once of the third, will have additional chances during the course of a 1,000 years to learn about love without any negative influences to distract them. This opportunity is one of the benefits of the redemption of Christ for all of humankind (not just Christians) for we have been adopted back into God’s family, and no blemish of our previous bad upbringing will remain. (Read also “Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion” at This is a breaking of the Adamic generational bondage, which mankind could not do for themselves. And it is for all of humankind, including the third who were the unwitting pawns of evil. (Hebrews 1:1-14; 2:1-18)(Revelation 5:1-14; 6:1,2)

So when does Armageddon occur? Not in 2012. Why? Because God will not choose what the world thinks it knows as the mind of God. The day and hour is unknown to all but him. “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36) “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8) Nevertheless, we are given a season to recognize the shift is at hand. “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it (the end) is near, right at the door.” (Mark 13:28,29) It is one of the things that the Angels themselves long to look into. (1 Peter 1:12)

What comes after Armageddon? New leadership will guide all of humankind in perfect love. Governments are often referred symbolically as “heavens,” and what is referenced to as old heavens have “disappeared with a hissing sound.” (2 Peter 3:10) A new government is formed, with Christ as king and 144,000 others beside him as kings and priests to help guide all of humankind to grow to perfection and make the earth a paradise. The teaching program includes witnessing the lives of each person, how their choices for love or fear affected themselves and others, and what was going on behind the scenes by God offering Angelic help. Think of it as a kind of “reality TV;” or a life review that others are watching too. At the end of the 1,000 years all humankind and the earth will be at a state of perfection, which includes being able to physically see and hear God, Angels and other spirit beings with our faultless eyes and ears. This is the same place of perfection that Adam and Eve once were, and each person will have the opportunity to answer whether we wish to live under the Landlord’s law of love or not, instead of being subjected to the choice of our original parents. How will that happen?

God is always fair and continues to uphold individual choice and to respect free will, and this includes not forcing anyone to live a life they do not wish to. Yet at the same time, God will not allow his creation to be harmed again, and the outcome of choices against love were clearly recognized as detrimental. At the end of the 1,000 years Satan and the demons are loosed from their bonds and released again upon the earth, to state just one more time their reasons for rebellion and why love doesn’t work. This time is very, very short and they are powerless to harm. Each person, grown to the state of perfection and fully aware of the history of love versus fear, will make their individual choice to live in a world of love or not. At the instant of their decision, God grants them their choice. For those who choose love, they will receive everlasting life on a paradise earth as God intended from the very beginning. For those who do not choose love, they and the unHoly Angels have the same outcome - their spirit will be physically changed. What does this mean? The spirit is energy, and energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be changed between two things: wave and particle. So these waves now become particle, and become part of the earth itself, thereby physically adding to something they were once bent on destroying. It is possible that none or very few humans will choose this; but the unHoly Angels have already made their choice, because the time for them to make new choices and come back to God had already expired when Armageddon began. Now, Christ hands back the reins of his government to God as a beautiful pearl, and the fullness of the Kingdom of God truly begins. This is officially the end of time, the beginning of timelessness, and the fulfillment of God’s word in behalf of humankind. “So is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

In the kingdom of God, all that we have hoped for in our hearts comes true. Why have people had visions and dreams of a utopian world? Because we were created to live in such a place, that is what has been placed in our hearts from the very beginning. (Genesis 1:27-31) Nothing beneficial will be kept from us; we will know all good things. (Genesis 3:22) This includes developing amazing inventions, traveling this world, and also visiting other places in the universe. As humans, we are living representatives of the answered original issues, and proof that love always wins. No matter where we go, we will be able to tell the story of God’s love and eagerly share the stories of how it all went down in the final days. Will you have a paragraph in that story? How much more exciting to choose to be a pen in the hand of God, and actively involved in this final chapter. Also, knowing about these deeper things of Armageddon and sharing them with others increases hope for the things ahead and helps us persevere by keeping our eyes on the prize. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…and the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation 21:1-5)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Objects that are Blessed; Objects that are Cursed Do You Own Things That are Harming You?

Has life been more difficult since you brought back that painting from the garage sale? Is your family bickering more since you inherited your aunt’s silverware? Are you having problems sleeping since placing that antique dresser in your bedroom? Is it harder to concentrate at your desk since bringing that souvenir from the Far East to your office? If you find yourself having unexplained moodiness, depression, inability to concentrate, anger or are having unusual thoughts come into your head that are not your own, you may own something that is triggering it.

Can objects really influence how a person feels or acts? Yes, it happens dozens of times a day in your life now – and discernment is needed to differentiate between an outside influence on an object, and what is simply your own emotion about it. What does this mean? It means we need to be careful about what we imply to an object, and what is actually emanating out from it by itself. For example, when you open a photo album and see a picture of your previous husband, you may feel betrayal or loss. That’s your own feelings and memories stimulated by the trigger of looking at the photo – there is nothing actually coming from the picture trying to influence you to think that way. However, you are now adding your own energy and emotion to the photo for future times that it is seen again. What?! Yes, without even knowing it we influence objects around us every day, with positive or negative overlays.

There are two different kinds of influences on objects – energy dustings and persuaded influences. Energy dustings are on everything, and we contribute to them every moment of our lives. We can choose to make these participations joyful, happy and peaceful, thus raising the light and love we feel in our surroundings. This is truly the meaning of making a house a home, and our neighborhood a beloved home town. Or, we can carry a storm cloud over our head and dust everything around us with that. Remember these dustings not only affect places, but people and animals too. Have you ever walked into a room where an argument has just occurred? The tension in the air may feel so thick you could cut it with a knife; you may also get a headache, or feel anxious. How strong a person may feel these dustings depends on their own sensitivities. Some people may have to stop and really focus to decipher what they are feeling, while others and small children are naturally built for receiving input, whether it feels good or bad.

Especially with our children it is beneficial to make sure their surroundings are as peaceful as possible. For example, it will definitely make a difference to mood and personality if your baby is trying to sleep in a previously-owned crib used by a child who was constantly screaming because of health problems or feeling the marital problems of his parents. Whenever possible, for yourself and your children, know the history behind an object before you bring it home. And remember that bringing items into your house in its natural state from the environment carries the energy dusting of the One who created it, which will always be wonderful. This means decorating your home with pinecones, natural plants, interesting stones or driftwood, using creek water over a rock fountain, playing recorded nature sounds from birds - all these created and unadulterated items are Divinely made and will greatly raise the positive energy in a room. Be imaginative and invent a few things of your own – perhaps under your desk place a tray of sea sand for your toes to dig in while you work, or use shells as soap dishes.

The history and energy dusting behind an item may also be wonderful – and that is an object to appreciate, enjoy and pass along. Perhaps it is a piece of grandmother’s jewelry that was a beloved token of appreciation given at her 70th birthday party, which made her smile with pride and happiness each time she put it on. Or a hand-carved game board that has seen excitement and family interaction for 40 years. Not all old things are bad, and not all new things are good. What? Can a person actually buy a new thing that carries problems? Yes, both old and new objects can have influences willfully attached to them.

A persuaded influence is placed on an object on purpose, by someone for a specific intention and outcome. It is not an energy dusting that occurs just because it is in proximity, it is much different. When an object is utilized as a trigger, it can be for good or for bad. For example, in the scriptures we see blessed objects that God allowed to be used for touchstones for healing and exorcisms. “God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.” (Acts 19:11,12) These objects received a blessing because the person who carried them was blessed, and the anointing carried through to objects to help people through the persuaded influence of God himself.

Today there are many things that carry God’s blessing with a permanent anointing on them, no matter when they brought into existence, even when they are made with imperfections through the simple hands of humankind. Some of these are crosses and crucifixes, and renderings of the Holy words. Other objects may carry a blessing on them because a person of faith asks God to place one there, through answered prayer. Also, a person may be blessed, such as when they choose to step up for priestly ordination, which carries a God-anointing that allows blessings to be done for more specific outcomes, such as creating anointing oil, Holy water, blessed wine and communion. There are many positive things any of us can do, because as children of God, we all have different gifts, and with each of those gifts come additional blessings, such as healing or the gift of miracles. But a hands-on ordination is a timeless gift of special blessing that God allows for both men and women, and he blesses the office not the imperfections of the one carrying it out. On our part, it shows our heart’s motivation to step forward in the work and expand. On God’s part it gives us a different arrangement with him and the Holy Angels. Basically when we receive this blessing we acquire more Angelic heavy-hitters to help us, and our ability to hear and be heard increases. This is necessary for most deliverances, all exorcisms, most hauntings, and many specific blessings such as land and air blessings and making sacred ground. Also, many times a person may have more darkness against them than they are aware of, or their faith is not strong enough on their own; and they need an ordained person to help to break generational bondage, curses, hexes, spells, incantations, negative prayers or evil intent sent against them.

Now, knowing this, realize that some people spend a lot of time and energy dedicating objects not for blessings, but for the opposite of that. In some cases, these people have sought out dark forces, and attach themselves to unHoly Angels through demonic rites and rituals. More have dedicated themselves and selected objects through customs and traditions where they unknowingly apply for connection to these fallen Angels, and for generation after generation the negative cycle may continue to influence a family, a company, a village or even an entire region. Beyond the local area, a person anywhere around the world may be manipulated since the Internet allows us to purchase anything from anywhere and bring it straight into our homes. These objects may be large, beautiful and expensive so that a person may be more inclined to keep them and take too lightly problems associated with them. Or they may be small and easy to carry and even considered a keepsake or “good luck” charm, or a common souvenir of the area. They may be family heirlooms passed from generation to generation, especially prized in places of poverty. Individual craftsmen or family companies may have performed an opening ceremony or offered a dedication upon every item created through them, and whether knowingly or unknowingly did it in such a way to offer the unHoly Angels free reign and connection over thousands of objects. Although it only takes once for an object to be cursed or willfully dedicated for the use of the unHoly Angels, the manipulation, heartache, illness and destruction from these unHoly objects can continue on for centuries, with future owners not knowing any prior history of the item at all, and meanwhile suffering from the effects.

It is not just third world countries or certain cultures that seek to benefit themselves by negatively influencing the products they make. Some objects are willfully manipulated by people in companies who are more interested in the bottom line than anything else. And while some do seek out unHoly ways to influence their product line, most are negative energy dustings designed to make an unhealthy or unnecessary product desirable to buy, and then to break shortly after purchase or the warranty has expired so that another item must be bought to replace it. While not as detrimental as persuaded influence, these energy dustings lower the happiness in a home and can cost thousands of dollars in replacement and repair bills.

If energy dustings happen from the strong emotions that people feel, how many things in our home have a dusting? Simply everything. If you are eating carrots, how many hands has that gone through? Let’s say the people in control of the carrot company have good motives, choose to grow organically, and try to have a good relationship with all its employees. But what about the receptionist who just lost her father, or the worker in the field who is suicidal, or the truck driver who is exhausted and angry, or the grocer who is frustrated, or the hundreds of people that pass though the vegetable aisle? All these are adding their dusting to the carrots that you are going to eat and feed to your family. Think of it this way – let’s say the carrot on its own like a glass of clear water, with nothing added to it, neither sweet nor sour. Because of the original beneficial desires of the company, sweetness is added to the water, a full three tablespoons of sugar is stirred in. But because of several negative emotions along the way, several drops of vinegar have also been added, and now what is served at your table is not as healthy or tasty as what it could be. And if the vinegar content is high enough, it could even make your body and spirit ill. We started our example with a good company, but many do not add any “sugar” at all. But our original company could have done better too - a priest could have been asked to come out and do a land blessing over the company and the fields. This would promote positive energy dustings and ask for God’s guidance and blessing on the produce, which in effect adds a perfect amount of sweetness to the water, and more importantly dissipates and nullifies any interference of vinegar added along the way.

And this is the key to removing any negative energy dusting to anything we own – blessing it. What happens when you enter a totally dark room and strike a match? Although the darkness is in volume thousands of times greater than the light, the darkness cannot put out the candle. And the more light we add, the more shadows flee from the light, because light and dark cannot be in the same place at the same time. All of us are sparks off the Divine flame - anyone can pray for a blessing, and choose to be a candle in the dark place. And the more we have chosen love over fear in our own lives and invited God in to illuminate our way, the brighter our faith and prayers are – and we become much more than a candle, but a brilliant chandelier reflecting light into every nook and crevice until darkness cannot survive anywhere.

Prayer changes things. When we pray a blessing over our food and water, it changes its qualities and any negative energy dusting on it disappears. Prayer is a gift that God gives to persuade a positive and Divine influence, and our energy expands beyond anything we could do on our own. In this way, our brilliant chandelier now reflects the rays of the magnificent sun. Ask a blessing over your medications, over any objects that you purchase or are given, over your car, over your animals, over people, over places and things you pass by – be a mobile instrument of transformation, a walking instrument of prayer. Funny thing about giving love, you receive it back even more so – including feeling more peace, contentment, confidence and joy!

How does a person ask for a blessing? Although there are specific prayers available for many things, most of the time those are only needed by priests when the deeper work is called for. What is in your heart? This is what God desires to hear; words that come from your soul, in your empathy, from your compassion, in your longing for things to be good, for light to expand, for love to win the war. And because of your free will desire to interact with God for the transformation to take place, you become an instrument in his hand for change. Even many negative persuaded influences (curses) can be broken this way by an un-ordained person of faith. If the prayer is done with respect for Jesus, no matter what religion you are your prayer has much more authority and power open to it (see the article “Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion” at

At times it may be difficult to discern between a generational bondage passed down through family lines and effects from items that are owned which are cursed. Generational bondage is a problem that comes down through family lines and can be of any nature, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is often attributed to genetics or family history, and is an attachment on the family members themselves and not what they own. This can start by a distant family member dabbling or involved in the black arts, or a curse placed upon them by someone who was. It can be recognized by a repetition of different things, for example; generation after generation of failed business ventures, or every man in the family having a stroke before turning 50, or mental depression passed from grandmother to mother to daughter. Although a person can say the specific prayer for breaking generational bondage for themselves, most of the time a priest is needed. There are also beautiful and powerful prayers called The Divine Decrees which are perfect words to help all of us align with Angelic guidance and protection, and are given to us just for this time of world shift. Many of these are specific for different blessings, and powerful transformations have been documented from reading them.

If the prayers have been said and instead of a cleansing the word comes back that it is best to destroy the object in question, or a feeling of uncleanness or confusion still permeates the item, then total destruction of the object must occur. Remember that the unHoly Angels are smart and can choose to lie dormant with an object for a long time, or turn off and on the problems emanating from it. It cannot be simply given away or thrown away. If it is of metal or other difficult to destroy material, it still has to be made unusable by anyone. If it is of wood or other malleable material, cut it up or burn it in a safe place. Then, no matter what it is, bury it in the ground. If you have access to Holy water, or can get it from a church, making the sign of the cross upon the ground after burial is a good idea. Blessed salt can be used for the same thing. Do not allow yourself to be doubtful, fearful or to put off destruction of the object after the item is recognized for what it is, for some are even used as objects for portals, and your troubles may multiply since the unHoly Angels now know they have been exposed and have limited time to cause harm. Sometimes odd things happen when destroying such an object, because the demons do not want to have their object harmed, and will try to cause fearful sounds or sights around the person who is destroying the object. If you do not feel you have strong enough faith to do what is required, giving the item to a priest or a person of great faith is the better choice. God simply wants to bless you, and have your family and surroundings a place of peace. He gifts people with different abilities to help him help one another, so do not feel that giving the object to another to destroy it is overall weakness – it is strength on your part to recognize it and to put into motion the end of it.

Today we live at a time of complete accessibility to items from all over the world. All of these objects are dusted by the high energy emotions of people they come into contact with. Some are contaminated by willful dedication to negative influences, and become items that wreck havoc to the lives and wellbeing of their owners. Prayer cleanses and transforms most of these items into Godly touchstones of health, light and love. Discernment is needed to differentiate between an outside influence on an object, and what is simply a person’s own emotion about it. Discernment is also needed to identify and destroy objects that cannot be cleansed. A priest may be called upon for specific blessings that are required in some situations, while at other times a person of faith may be able to do many blessings themselves. We can choose to bless people, places and things through prayerful affection, and not pass on objects of affliction. All of us are in control of how our surroundings influence us and our family, and there are positive things we can do every day to make our house a blessed home of peace, joy and love.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Happens When We Die – Before and Three Weeks After

Why are there so many stories of dying people seeing their loved ones around them when no one else can? If death is imminent such as in a fatal accident, does the spirit leave the body before the trauma occurs? Do good and evil people end up with the same experiences of death? Is death the same thing as a near-death experience? Do we live more than once? Where do we go after death, and can we visit our loved ones on earth again? Do we get to decide what happens to us after we die?

Each of us experience a death-like state every time we fall asleep. Yet we welcome sleep and are refreshed by it and when we awaken we are renewed. There are two basic parts to the body – the physical body and the spirit. In sleep our spirit lifts out of our body, and we are not aware of our body functions, but we are busy with dreams and other things. But at that time we are still attached to our physical body by what looks like a silver cord, so we eventually come back to it and wake up. In death that cord is broken, and we do not come back to the body. Can that cord be broken before death? Yes, it is one of the beautiful things that Divine Love does – if the body is about to be made inhabitable through a quick death such as an explosion, fire, crushed or many other accidents, the spirit is lifted out of the body beforehand and the cord is cut by a heavenly hand. The same thing happens for animals. You’ve seen on TV a predator chase down its prey, and the deer continue to struggle and cry while in the predator’s jaws or even while being eaten. But the animal is not alive - this is just the nerves and body functions continuing on for a brief time, the spirit is already out and feeling relief from any of the physical pain and emotional fear that had built up to that moment. Even in near-death experiences, many people will have memories of hovering over their bodies but not physically feeling what was going on in the dying body, until going back into it. Then upon going back into the body is when they experience pain.

But not all deaths come quickly, what then? When a lingering of life occurs before a person dies, the person will often hear or see their loved ones in the room with them, which is to help them overcome their own fear of death. This is to ease the fear of death and to help the person understand that their spirit will continue on. This can go on for days, weeks or even much longer. However, this experience can be clouded if the person is on heavy medications, since these can make it more difficult to recognize the reality of the help offered by the other side. On drugs it can also be much harder to discern these visits from the overlapping and recalling of life memories. But the opportunity to find peace with the upcoming change and encouragement to go easily into the arms of waiting loved ones is there, and is very real, and should not be scoffed at if what is seen by the person is shared with others.

No matter how the moment of death comes, whether fast or slow, we are in charge of some big choices at the moment of death. This applies no matter what religion or culture a person is from. Because free will does not end at death, sometimes people make an incorrect choice even after letting go of the body. Ever wonder about the last part of the Hail Mary prayer? “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” At the hour of our death is when we are most at risk for being attacked by unHoly Angels. This is why it is so necessary that people are surrounded by love, understanding and support at their time of death. This is a crucial time. Many have entered the ghost life simply because they are simply afraid to go to God, thinking they would not be forgiven for things they have done.

The death experience is much different than a near-death experience. How so? Near-death experiences are opportunities that we can learn things from and then we come back. Often there are similarities between full death and NDEs; such as meeting with a Divine being, having a life review, and a feeling of full acceptance and love. Also, one of the most notable outcomes of a near-death experience is the noticeable changes in a person once they return, and the lack of the fear of death. However, the experience of death with the cord being cut is different from a near-death experience, and we will look at some of them now.

When death is imminent a Holy Angel appears before us, along with several loved ones who have already transitioned. This occurs to help us know that the Angel we are seeing is not a hallucination, and that we really do exist beyond our physical bodies. All Holy Angels are beautiful beings of great love and light, and what is often seen as wings is actually shimmering rays of light. They have specific duties, and the one that comes to us at this time of transition is often called an Angel of death, but is more aptly called a “homing” Angel, because he is there to take us home to God, the source of Divine Love. Homing Angels are very gentle and loving and maternal, and desire us not to be afraid of letting go of our bodies. We are given three choices at that time (1). to go to God right then, (2). or to wait until after the funeral ceremony, (3). or not go to God, which leaves us in a ghost state. But all we have to do is touch the hand of the Angel or call out to God, and our journey continues. Why are we given a choice? Because even after death we still are free will agents and will not be forced to do anything we don’t want to do.

Touching the hand of the Angel is a choice as well, for it shows our free will desire to go to God, and to choose love over fear. If we skip (3).we end up in a ghost state, a spirit separated from the body but not yet choosing to go to Love. Many have entered the ghost life simply because they are afraid to go to God, wrongly thinking they would not be forgiven for things they have done. There have been many versions of faulty teachings about God – but he is not like a prison warden, or a strict overbearing disciplinarian who would send anyone to a fiery hell of torment. He is the core of unconditional Divine Love, forgiveness and mercy. And torture and fear do not coexist with Love, it is the exact opposite. In fact, in Biblical days there was a pagan ritual of sacrificing children to false gods by burning them to death in fire, and God shows his repugnance for that by saying: “The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes…they have built the high places of Topheth…to burn their sons and daughters in the fire – something I did not command, nor did it come up into my heart.” (Jeremiah 7:30, 31) It is not in the heart of a loving God to do such a thing.

Unfortunately, sometimes a person may feel they can’t go to God until they finish something here - even though they will have so much more ability, clarity, and freedom to help change things when they do go to God first. Technically, ghosts are the life-force of people who have not yet gone to God. Spirits are the life-force of people who have gone to God and now have access to come and go as they please between this world and the next. Manipulated ghosts are the life-force of people who have not yet gone to God so are in ghost form, and have come under attack and control of fallen unHoly Angels or demons. For them, the world is a very dark place. But even then, ghosts and manipulated ghosts will be periodically visited by a homing Angel and offered the opportunity to go to Divine Love. Sometimes God will even send a human gifted with the ability to release ghosts as well, and this person’s will to help automatically calls the homing Angel for another opportunity for the one who is lost (see the article Ghosts, Spirits and Manipulated Ghosts - The Differences on

The reason we are given a choice about going to Divine love right then or waiting until after the funeral is because there is a 2-3 week debriefing time after we die. During this time we have a life review; it is a review of the facets of love learned during this life, which is the reason we are here. In a life review, what we experience is the direct cause and effect of what we have done to others. Where you have showed unkindness, you will feel how it felt to the people you were unkind to, and from them how your interaction rippled out to others – all of it you will feel coming back to you. Where you have showed love, you will feel how it felt to the people you were loving to, and how it rippled and magnified and expanded out to others – and all of that love you will feel overflowing coming back to you! And, where you did not interact when you had a choice to, you will also see, and the missed opportunities that could have been.

Truly, God does not punish us at all, for we come to God’s essence by grace – the breaking of the generational bondage we had through Adam’s sin was erased by Christ who was the karmic redemption for all of mankind, beyond religion or culture. So in the life review we only experience the ripple effects of what we ourselves have done for good or for bad, and yet we are shown that we are still fully loved, forgiven and accepted by God as his children, if only we desire it. Do you see that even those who would have a life review such as Hitler, with extreme ripple effects of pain, are not punished by God, but by themselves? Even then, God brings us to the next step, a washing and cleansing of all the events of our last life, so that we may not be overly sad, burdened or distracted by the things behind us and can continue to move further into the love ahead of us.

The washing and cleansing of our past burdens and deeds is accomplished when our spirit passes through a great circle of energy, which was not available until the redemption of mankind by Christ. This energy takes off all the darkness and impurities, and makes us clean and Holy again, and by this act we not only release all the baggage of “should have and shouldn’t haves” from our last life, but we also come into the full remembrance of who we really are, which includes the information we have learned and the facets of love that we have polished from every life we have lived. Why Christ? The ripple effect of the choices of our original parents were passed onto us like a bad gene. It is as if the misuse of free will put them in prison, so we as their kids were born in the cell with them. It became a no-win situation for us, a generational bondage that no one in our family line could heal, because they were all inside the bars too. So one of those created outside of the human family had to come to our rescue, we needed a savior with a key. The life of the one we know as Jesus Christ came and unlocked the prison. Before him, no one could even go to the core essence of Father. That meant no matter how long we lived, nor how many times, the burden of darkness on our shoulders was too great. We kept trying to polish the basic facets of love over and over and still could not come and stay before the core Presence of Light and Love. Jesus became the karmic redemption for all of humanity (see the article Why Jesus Life is Important Beyond Religion on, before him there was no cleansing ring of redemption.

What happens now? After walking through this redemption ring, we truly remember who we are and know who each one around us is, and who God is too. This cleanness and unity is a feeling of a raindrop falling into the sea – the raindrop does not lose his own identity, but expands out to become fully aware and connected to the entire ocean – the true Oneness. Visually, I was shown a great valley that narrowed to a wide canyon on one side, and Angels and human spirits helping thousands of the newly dead continue moving down the path into the canyon. The people seemed a bit dazed and didn’t really know what to do, and though you could see they had clothes on, each one looked see-through (like clouds) and was a different hue of brightness - some ashen colored and some more shadowy, all different. The upright circle of redemption looks like a device a thousand feet tall, strongly pulsating beautiful waves of iridescent energy within it. The canyon fits snugly around the bottom half of the ring. There are bright human spirits all around the circle of redemption, all singing of God’s love and the grace of redemption, and it encourages the people to not be fearful, but to pass through. People always have the gift of free will, so even up to this point, a person does not have to pass through – but their darkness will remain upon them and affects many future choices. But when a person passes through, their joy is immediate!

The relief and release of emotions is spontaneous, and might be likened to witnessing the joy of one’s own birth into heaven. The full awareness of each life you have held is remembered with elation, and the accomplishments and acceptance of yourself and one another is fully felt and known. The love that God has for you, and you for God, is fully revealed and treasured. All fear is gone. You now remember you know how to move easily on your own through light, thought and sound, and the original language of “Angel-speak” which uses color, sound, numbers, space and dimension to perfectly convey and receive communication. Also your uniqueness is more noticeable now than ever – for the amount of polishing on each facet of love has indented you to experiences and situations, other Angelic and human beings, and locations throughout thousands of years. Our expansion into Love never ends; God continues to magnify himself and invites us to be on the journey with him. With this in mind, there are going to be those who come through the circle of redemption who realize they are very bright indeed, for they have come to a point of having polished all the basic facets of love. This means they do not have to return to an earthly life again, unless they chose to help others as an instrument of God. When we are on earth, we are here to polish the basic facets of love, and to make our choice known in the issue of love versus fear. When we come through the cleansing, we see clearly what we have yet to do.

So at this point, we have new decisions to make about future choices. Each of us has a guardian Angel that has protected our spirit from day one - this assignment had to occur after some of the Angels misused their free will to turn against God and slander his name and try to destroy the things Love has created and stands for, thus becoming unHoly Angels or demons. Our spirit is from God and cannot die, but without the guardianship of our Angel, each time we would try to be born on earth as a human, we would not accomplish it, so Divine Love put this guardianship in place for us. Now we sit down with our guardian Angel to discuss future choices. Whether we have polished the facets of love fully or not, we can choose to take a break from earth for a while. God knows it is not easy for us, and he knows the struggles that remain until his kingdom comes upon the earth. During this break we can visit other places. Sometimes these places are even shown to us while we are still in a body on earth; in near-death experiences or through dreams or an out-of-body experience, just as a reminder of joy and favorite locations and encouragement to continue on. Some are physical locations – I was shown a garden planet where everyone is focused on that. Some are less tangible – I was shown a colored sphere that a spirit can immerse in to fully experience an emotion, such as JOY. These emotion spheres are able to be immersed in if the basic facet has been fully polished first. These spheres go beyond the basics.

If we have polished the fullness of the basics of love, we can choose to not return to earth at this time, although we may during God’s kingdom on earth, to share and teach what we have learned of God’s love, and to hear and learn what others have experienced as well. There are also many who have chosen to return to earth at this time because it is a crucial moment in history, and all the evidence is now to be revealed in the cosmic court case of Love’s rule versus fear. It is a time of great upheavals and the dark will get darker, but the light will get lighter, and Love wins. During this important time many will return and remember who they are and help others remember it too, and God will be able to use them as his instruments of signs and wonders. This means great miracles, healings, bilocations, resurrections, calming severe storms, and many other Divine and love-inspiring things.

During the debriefing time we do not visit earth. But after the debriefing we can come and go and visit our loved ones on earth freely, how long and how often depends on other choices we make about what we are doing, as referenced above. What we have decided to do is now presented to Christ for final approval. It is possible that our plans will be changed. For example, if we are planning to come right back in again we may need a longer rest and recreation time than we allowed ourselves. Or, there may be other opportunities presented that we are offered to pursue, or suggestions on how to make our plan better. If we do decide to come back in, so will our guardian Angel. But while we stay off-world, the guardian Angel is not needed to be right beside us, since there was a war in heaven that cast all the demons down to the vicinity of the earth, and the other areas are free from harm.

There is no need to fear death. We have each already experienced death many, many times before. God has not left us to a never-ending cycle of life and death, but has given us grace, purpose and fulfilling work to do no matter if we are in the body or out of it.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Do You Need to be Baptized Again? Or Even Once? What Does Baptism Do?

If you were baptized as an infant, do you need to get baptized again as an adult? If you are baptized in one religion and then change to another one, do you need to get re-baptized? What if you are not part of an organized religion but try to live a good life, do you need to get baptized? Does it matter what religion you get baptized in? What if you left God and now want to come back to him? Also, does it matter if you are baptized with a sprinkling of water or immersed? And is it OK if a person wants to get baptized more than once? In fact, does baptism matter at all if you feel close to God in your heart?

What really is baptism? Baptism is not about your destination after death. On the human side, it is a free will desire to accept, trust and follow God’s will for your life instead of your own. Free will is a very big deal to God, because he will not force anyone to take his advice, guidance, protection or to love him. Even when our decisions may lead to injury, he will not interfere but will continue to present opportunities for better choices. So on God’s side, baptism is an active response you have made to receive his invitation. What is this invitation? To have him as your loving parent, your spiritual teacher and leader, and that you desire his greater protection, guidance and direction in your life – all of which he is happy to give as he holds you yet closer. It is also recognition that you are turning away from the ways of the past and desire to walk a new, holy (clean) path – you are symbolically receiving a washing away of sins (imperfections), asking for forgiveness, and receiving it. It also shows your desire to step up for more responsibility, and gives God the opportunity to grant it and the additional gifts and Angelic help needed to fulfill it (1Corinthians 12:4-27). And in addition to all these things, baptism also shows respect for God’s son who broke the ancestral bondage upon all of mankind, beyond religion (see “Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion” at

The rite of marriage is the closest example we have to the baptismal union with Divine Love. In most places around the world marriage is taken seriously, and this step is recognized as building the strength of the relationship. There is an acceptance that the choices a person now makes in their life will affect both of them, that two people have now become one in unity. Often there is a custom of gifting or exchanging something between those promising their lives to one another. The ceremony itself may be inside or outside a building, and is usually held in front of other people who acknowledge the new relationship and wish the couple well. Unless those making this important commitment are already of age and thus under their own headship, consent must be given by the parent(s) or by law the marriage would be void, since they would still be under the headship or authority of the parents. Many of the same principles of marriage apply to baptism.

Baptism strengthens the relationship between you and God, which includes greater communication. This greater communication increases the clarity to hear him better and know the deeper things of the heart of Love. This gives you additional fortitude and strength in yourself as well, for your discernment sharpens on what is of Love and what is not, and helps you let go of anything that may taint your relationship. This may include letting go of any traditions that are based on fear, and bringing closer those things that are based on love. And just like building a relationship with a good marriage mate, the more time you choose to spend together, the more you communicate and know how each other think, so that your loved one’s likes and dislikes are still in your head even when you may not be actively talking with them. So it is with God, baptism helps you to know each other better at the heart level, since you have given your consent. This is one of the exchanges that God gives through baptism; it is his gift or ring of unity, having the peace of God that excels all thought (Philippians 4:7). With that peace, your heart and mind is guarded, and no matter what may occur your spirit will have an inner calm. There is a deep knowing that transcends all understanding, a confidence that you are never alone, you are loved, forgiven and accepted, and that without a doubt God will never, ever, leave you.

In our example of human marriage, we see that unless those making this commitment are already of age and thus under their own headship, consent must be given by the parent(s) or by law the marriage would be void, since they would still be under the headship or authority of the parents. Keep this in mind as we discuss some deeper aspects of baptism. When a child is under age (and that may differ from place to place by the laws of the land) that child is under the authority of the parents. This is a protection in many ways for the child, and places the parents in a place of lawful responsibility to provide at least the basics of food, clothing and shelter. But most parents desire to provide more than just the basics for their children, and want to love, guide, teach, play with and protect them as well. This may include the ceremony of baptism (containing a sprinkling of Holy water) which brings upon the child many additional safeguards that a perfect heavenly Father can give. But, the child is unaware and has no ability on his own to ask, receive or fulfill many of the additional aspects that baptism brings. A baby is not asking God to step up for greater responsibility, or to turn away from his previously sinful path. He is not aware, and does not have to be; for his parents have the headship over him, and the child falls under their authority, and God recognizes the parental right and grants the baptism and additional protection and blessings. Now, this brings up other questions about baptism.

So does a person have to be baptized again when they are an adult? It depends. Does an underage couple have to be married again when they are of legal age, does their marriage dissolve somehow unless they have the ceremony again? No, they do not have to get remarried. But the reason is this – they may have been young, but they were still old enough to make a decision on their own, and to voice their agreement, or else the one facilitating the service would not have completed it and the marriage would have been void, even if the parents had given their consent. But, if the couple had run away together without their parent’s agreement and gotten married, the marriage would be null and void if the parents later refused. This means that if a child is old enough to actively voice agreement to baptism and have a reasonable knowledge of what that means, and if one or both of their parent’s agree, the free will decision will stand even beyond reaching the age of consent and no additional baptism is necessary. God acknowledges the agreement of the child-turned-adult to receive further opportunities for greater responsibilities and blessings. In regard to the parents, both are free will agents of their own, and if there is disagreement or the location of one of the parents is unknown, either the woman or the man may make the agreement for baptism for the child. Whichever one agrees to the benefits of baptism would be granted the role of spiritual headship in this regard, while still seen as fulfilling the place of respect in relationship to the marriage mate. This is allowed because the ripple effect of the baptism is similar to a parent choosing to cover their child with a bullet-proof vest during a military or gang confrontation – it is the most loving thing to do, and above all, God is love (1 John 4:8).

However, if a child is still under the headship of his parents and gets baptized without consent of those responsible for his care, this baptism is void because it does not respect the principles of parental authority that God has instituted for the family. This still holds true no matter if the parents do not have a religion, or do not recognize or respect other faiths. It is a null baptism and not consecrated by God. This does not mean that the child is not loved, nor protected and guided, since prayer, grace and opportunities are available to all; and any desire of the child to grow in communication and connection with God and is encouraged and rewarded. Christ reflected and taught about God’s attributes while he was here on earth, and emphasized the specialness of the younger ones: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) Also, each one of us comes into life with an Angel that is our individual guardian, and fights for us. If we didn’t, every single one of us would have been killed by the fallen unHoly Angels in our infancy. We have many provisions in place because each of us is a child of God, a spark off his Divine flame; but when we get baptized, the provisions increase.

What about betrothal? Even today, some cultures still use this custom. Historically betrothal was a formal contract, officiated by a religious authority and usually done by the couple’s families with bride and groom having little or no input. It might last from infancy until the age of marriage, and sometimes is even called child marriage. Even within the strict traditions that follow this, most have a requirement that the bride be allowed to have at least veto power, and the parents may call it off too. How does this relate to baptism? When a child is baptized as a baby, they are basically betrothed to God and come under his additional special care. However, when the child is of legal age, they can choose to break the betrothal (baptism) by their own voiced expression of this to the one they are betrothed to, God. This means that even if a formal baptism, contract or officiating of a religious authority had occurred in their childhood, the adult may refuse to continue the deeper relationship with God, and the additional connection and blessings that came with the baptism will be removed.

So what about when a person is baptized as a baby without ability to voice their consent? As we have noted, they will be covered during their childhood. But, as an additional blessing of God’s grace, those who have been betrothed to God in this way without vetoing the decision later, are continued to be covered by the former parental free will of baptism. But, with the greater knowledge comes the greater responsibility – and the same reason why Jesus waited until he was legally a man to become baptized is now more deeply understood. Also, the method of baptism should be taken into account. It is by grace that God has allowed the sprinkling of Holy water for baptism (and continues to allow it for those whose health does not permit otherwise, or in places where immersion is not available), when full immersion is the example we were given by Christ himself, and the method that he taught all his followers to use. Again we see the patience of God upon mankind, and him meeting them wherever they are at – for those with a little knowledge, he approves it and fills in the gaps, and expects their follow-through in what little amount they may know. However, to those who have more knowledge, he approves it (and still fills in any gaps) and expects follow-through with the greater amount they know. It is like the parable of the ten talents – those who have more responsibility, more is expected of, and more blessings are added. Such is God’s grace about baptism (Matthew 25: 14-30). Like a grade-schooler, simply learning the basics is fine for that stage of life, but if we choose to ignore more complex matters as we mature, we may never be able to experience the bigger opportunities and joys that life has to offer, just like it is more fun to drive a car than to ride all our lives on a bicycle.

No matter when you were baptized – as a baby, or with free will choice when you were of age, you are not forced to remain in this special relationship with God. Remember he desires you to be close because of love, nothing more. And even in the time of you taking your hand out of his, he will never withdraw his – he will always be reaching out for you, hopeful that you will return, and he will reinstate your baptism. Even in this time of his sadness, his generosity continues, for God will not take back any additional special gifts he gave you, for he gave those freely and will not ask for them to be returned. But you will not be guided by God’s will anymore, since that is what you have asked for, you want to do your own thing, and will face the cause and effect of that without any head’s up about what is good for you or not. But, since you were in a companionship in using the gifts, the additional connection to fully utilize them and the Divine protection that would normally be in place to use them would be absent. For example, if you were given the gift of healing, you would still be able to heal, but the power source was rejected, so you would be using your own energy, which means you would not see any big miracles but you could start experiencing emotional and physical distress from depleting your own reserves. Or if you had the gift to hear the other side, your channel of hearing and recognizing what is of God and his Holy Angels and what is of manipulation and unHoly Angels may be much more difficult to discern. The additional layer of protection upon our bubble of free will that comes from baptism is now gone.

Please note that leaving a religion is not the same as leaving your baptism with God. The relationship God desires to make with each person is beyond that. No matter what your religion, faith, culture or background, if you recognize the core of God as the personification of Love, you will be able to hold all things up to that, and you will know what is of God or not. Religion is often used as a fence, whereas God prefers the freedom of open pastures. Houses of prayer and fellowship are wonderful – when they are focused on Love. God does not want us to follow one another; he desires each one of us to be the mystic, to be able to hear Love in our own hearts, to follow him. So be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater – do not throw God out because you are disappointed in those who say they represent him. Your spiritual peace of mind, fulfillment and joy of purpose is bigger than that. And if you join another house of prayer and fellowship, you do not need to get re-baptized, but you can if you want. Similar to a married couple wishing to retake their wedding vows, only one time is really needed, but taking the additional step to reconfirm the commitment shows the continuing desire to express and expand the love.

Now that you know all the details about baptism, what do you need to do? If you desire to get baptized, it can be done simply. It will require three things: one who is ordained (in rare instances when there is no priest to perform the ceremony, God allows a person to baptize themselves), the one who is to be baptized and a body of water (if possible). It can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. The vital step in the process is the acknowledgement of the one who wishes to be baptized. What baptism means should be clear, and is to be entered into with respect and joy, just like a marriage union. As for those witnessing the baptism, it can be as few as the one who is ordaining and the one who is receiving. The water is to be placed upon the individual desiring baptism: sprinkled, poured or by immersion (remember immersion is a more accurate reflection of what Christ taught his followers) and the words added “I now baptize you in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit” and the sign of the Cross + made over the person. The baptism is now complete. God’s love is simple, and his ways are straightforward and simple (1 Peter 3:21).

We know in our hearts what a good marriage should be, and that the wedding day is an important chapter in the expanding book of a happy life. Baptism is also the beginning of the deeper relationship you desire with God, and with more time and experiences shared together, the more profound and lovely the relationship will grow. Take the first opportunity you have to be baptized and experience the peace of God that excels all thought. Remember, with that peace, your heart and mind is guarded, and no matter what may occur your spirit will have an inner calm. There is a deep knowing that transcends all understanding, a confidence that you are never alone, you are loved, forgiven and accepted, and that without a doubt God will never, ever, leave you. What are you waiting for?!

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