Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Free Will – The Bubble of Creation

Imagine a child blowing a large soap bubble and as it leaves the wand it slowly hangs in the air, iridescent and beautiful. Now the child takes his wand and passes it through the bubble one more time, making smaller bubbles from the big one. He blows again, and a myriad of little bubbles stream forward, each iridescent and beautiful, each made from the same original material, yet each floating off into the air individually and separate from the large bubble they started from. You have just envisioned how God made free will and the universe’s first creations.

In the beginning, all was of God; there was not a place that Divine Love was not. He was complete and whole within himself, lacking nothing. But similar to a loving couple who decides to have children to share their love, God chose to create. In order to do this he had to make a bubble separate from himself so the thoughts and actions would not be governed by him. God did not want clones, nor robots simply acting out a program, but individual opportunities for love to grow, to expand, to express itself and find and experience the best way to share more love, and to create more ways of expressing good and greater good. This bubble was free will.

Angels were the first creations, and each has free will. All the Angels are a spark off God’s Flame. Each knew from the beginning the difference between kindness and wickedness, between light and dark, and between good and evil. The Angels participated with their Father in forming more creation in the universe, including the earth. “Then God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26) and mankind was created, also with free will, and in the image of God. “In the image of God” does not mean the same as God, but rather an image like a mirror reflection. In each of us our spirit has the ability to reflect kindness, forgiveness, generosity, sharing, etc., and this is the image of the Love of our Father. We are not God, just as the Angels are not God, but we were created by him and from him; similar to a person having been born because of the genes of their physical father and mother, yet they are a different same person than their dad or mom, and they have their own thoughts and preferences. Humans are also a spark off the Divine Flame, our spirit, like the Angels, were directly created by Divine will.

Besides free will, there is the misuse of free will. Free will works like this: if a person desires ice cream they may drive to a parlor and choose between any number of flavors in any number of cones, with any kind of candies or toppings. The combination they want depends on who they are as individuals and their own taste, and they may try all kinds of blends before they find the one that delights and expresses them the best. The misuse of free will is a person driving to the parlor, taking out a gun and shooting the attendant. Just as there are laws in place in our towns and countries to us help us keep and enjoy our freedoms, there are also healthy perimeters on free will.

Just as we know in our spirit it is not right for a person to kill another person, we were created to feel uneasiness and trouble within us when we are rubbing against the limits. And this is not because of cultural or religious training; knowing the basics of right and wrong is already created within. The Ten Commandments (the basic “law”) in the Old Testament were written down on stone tablets for Moses to remind the Israelite people of what is written in the hearts of every man, no matter who they are. “Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.” (Romans 12:14-16) And just as a criminal pays for their crimes for their poor choices, any choice for good or evil has a ripple effect of consequences back to us. Yet in the beginning when mankind was first made, it was much easier to see what the good and greater good choices of love were. At that time we had full clarity and connection with our Big Bubble, God. And in that same brightness and love, there was full and complete communication, acceptance and unity. But now, it is harder to discern what our best choices are. Why is this so?

A misuse of free will is what happened with our original parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. And the misuse of free will is what occurred in the heavens when Holy Angels turned against the Love of God, and made themselves rebellers, or demons. Many have thought that the fallen Angel Satan offered Adam and Eve free will, but this was just tempting into misuse the free will they already had. “The serpent said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' " "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."” (Genesis 3) The demon lied. He said that God was keeping something from them that they should have, and to further expand their knowledge there should be no barriers on free will, which in this case was like going to the ice cream parlor then shooting themselves in the head. Choosing to cross the line put humanity in a place of becoming a dark bubble, a contaminated place of imperfection that we did not get from our Father. It is the reason why good choices are harder for us to perceive, our spiritual clarity is clouded, and even the physical body housing the spirit now dies instead of continuing to renew.

The ripple effect of the choices of our original parents were passed onto us like a bad gene. It is as if the misuse of free will put them in prison, so we as their kids were born in the cell with them. It became a no-win situation for us, a generational bondage that no one in our family line could heal, because they were all inside the bars too. So one of those created outside of the human family had to come to our rescue, we needed a savior with a key. The life of the one we know as Jesus Christ came and unlocked the prison. Before him, no one could even go to the core essence of Father. That meant no matter how long we lived, nor how many times, the burden of darkness on our shoulders was too great. We kept trying to polish the basic facets of love over and over and still could not come before the Presence of Light and Love. Jesus became the karmic redemption for all of humanity (read more in the article Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion at

So how is our bubble now? It is an important question for each of us. We can still get holes in the bubble of free will. Sometimes the holes are punched through from the outside. This can occur by physical abuse, emotional abuse, or sexual abuse. Sometimes we punch holes in it ourselves from the inside out. This can occur in many ways such as; times of high emotion (anger, fear, or even grief), addictions, willful sin (doing things we know we shouldn’t do but doing them anyway), some medications, severe lack of self-confidence, unforgiveness towards others, self and even situations, and choosing fear over love. Holes open us up to manipulation from the unHoly Angels. They attack humans the same way they have for thousands of years - they focus on destroying physical health, relationships and finances. This not only hurts God, but can distract and confuse us from becoming the true potential that God created us to be, that bright shiny bubble learning more and more about Love.

When free will is breached, it is like having a nagging voice constantly whispering in our ear destructive and negative things. For example: we will never have long-term loving relationships, never accomplish the dreams and goals in our heart, never have full physical health or abundance, that we will always have to watch for the next shoe to drop, etc. This creates a war in our hearts, because we know in our spirit that these things are not really how we want to feel or live our lives - we were created to have happy, healthy lives full of abundance in all good things. Keep in mind that this negative voice is not you; it is a trick, a lie. And you can shut it down, heal any injured or manipulated areas, and have peace and joy again by doing special Deliverance prayers; these help heal the holes and get off anything on you that is not of light and love. You can also recognize what has caused these holes and stop anything that opens you to more attack. Having the insight on how manipulation can happen also gives you the ability to be more forgiving to yourself and others when actions and words have not been kind.

One more breach in the bubble that can occur is by ancestral curses or generational bondage being passed down through human family lines. These can be seen by repetitive physical, mental or emotional troubles recurring in our parents, grandparents or great grandparents. It might present itself as a physical disease (cancer, diabetes…) or an emotional one (depression, anger…) or a number of recurrent unhealthy things. Again, there is a special prayer that can be said to free us from this difficulty. It is important to remember that in each place where we might have a problem, we can use our gift of free will to call upon the One that created us and ask for help - and it will be there, every time. The assistance might come through another person, or through prayer and direct connection with God, or through information presented to you as an article or book, but it will come. Using your free will and holding whatever is placed before you up to God will let you discern where the information is coming from, if it is of love or not, and if it is right for you or not. For all things of Love will resonant deep inside you, anything promoting misuse of free will or of manipulation will not. And the brighter we are, the more we will feel the uneasiness and trouble within us when we are rubbing against the limits. For each of us is that little bubble of free will streaming forward, each an iridescent and beautiful child of God, journeying in our unique and individual way toward Love.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Angels and Demons – The Good and Bad of It All The True Story of the Brotherhood of Angels

Do Angels really exist? If so, do they influence your life? What do they look like that and is there a way to see them? Or are Angels just a quaint store-manufactured product made to flood the market with cherub-faced dolls with wings? These are very real questions you need to know - because if you believe in Angels, it opens up a whole new world of more questions needing to be answered about God, about the different kinds of Angels, and what effect Angels have on our lives today.

In fact most people today believe that Angels exist and have an influence on people’s lives. One of the reasons for this is because they or a loved one has experienced, felt, heard or seen things that cannot be explained in any other way. And indeed, that is one of the roles of the Holy Angels; supernatural guidance, protection, miracles, visions, even the soft swaying within to help us make the right choices. They have many responsibilities in their roles as workers for God. One of our responsibilities is to discern who is who – for all the Angels were once of the same brotherhood, but that brotherhood is now divided into Holy and unHoly Angels. There is also a third smaller segment of unHoly Angels called “Those Who Watch,” a group that do not agree with Satan and the demons or participate with them in evil, yet are separate from God and the Holy Angels because of the choices they have made in contradiction to God’s will. And all are around us all the time, and all will be addressed in this article.

The Holy Angels: these are some of the most beloved creatures the universe has ever known. All Angels were originally created Holy, but were also created with free will, just as humans were. They are not people who were once alive, and they were here before mankind ever came on the scene. Angels have many privileges, which includes giving messages to mankind. In fact, both the Greek words ag’ge-los and Hebrew mal-akh’ actually mean “messenger” or “spirit messenger” and occur in the Bible nearly 400 times. All Angels were individually created specifically for the roles they do. There are Guardian Angels, Healing Angels, Protection Angels, Homing Angels (Angels who help at death), and so many more. There is a hierarchy in place for clear organization for what needs to be done, and additional blessings and responsibilities for those who do it. Most do more than their share now to cover what used to be done by the Angels that fell. All love God and desire his name to be sanctified and his will to be done and wish to participate in making that happen.

What Angels look like has to do with what they were created to do. All Holy Angels have different colors inside their mid-region, constantly turning and shimmering like a beautiful gem in the sun. Each combination of colors seen is who they are, what they have accomplished and what responsibilities they have. Those Angels who have unplugged from Father do not have these colors within. Humans also have similar facets of love within our spirit that we continue to polish, since we are sparks off the Divine Flame and redeemed by Grace (we are not unplugged anymore. Angel’s wings are not actually feathers. They are likened more precisely to radiant beams of shimmering light. Angels are sexless; they don’t marry or procreate. But, they are generally referred to in the scriptures as males, although in most paintings they are represented as females.

Angels have names and personalities too. Only two Angel names are given in the Bible, Michael and Gabriel; since Angels were dispatched by God, in his name, not in their own. There are several references about people in the scriptures asking Angels for their names, or wanting to worship them; but they were strictly told, “Be careful! Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!” (Revelation 19:10) This is also why so many occult books are full of names, since the unHoly Angels are prideful and want to make a name for themselves and be known.

Angels communicate with each other with a language I have dubbed “AngelSpeak,” which is a perfect language they create as they go, and is perfectly understood by the listener. It is a combination of five things; numbers, musical tones, colors, space and dimension. For example, if I said the word “picnic” you may think of a sunny day in July and fried chicken. But through AngelSpeak, the picnic is July 4th 2004 at 11:00:24 A.M. PST, there were 7 pieces of crispy brown chicken, the sun was shining, etc. It is like an entire vision experience that is telepathically produced in the other’s mind. All spirit beings in the whole universe use this one language. Mankind was originally created to use it too, but because of the choices of our imperfect ancestors, we don’t. But we can see the rudiments around us - we identify most strongly when combinations of these things are presented to us. For example, the football team with their fight song, hometown, team colors, mascot, and shirt numbers; TV ads targeting you to remember them by a specific jingle, price, theme colors, etc.

Angels can travel at tremendous speed. There are millions of them just around our area of the galaxy. They are superhuman in power, and have more intelligence than we do. But, Angels are not all-knowing, and there are some things the Angels don’t know or fully understand. For example, they have an active interest in seeing how God’s love continues to interact with humankind, including the timing of important events. “Even Angels long to look into these things.” (1 Peter 1:12) Angels also rejoice at the repentance of a person turning away from bad choices, and they watch the “theatrical spectacle” that we produce as we go about our lives, making our own free will choices, for good or for evil. (1 Corinthians 4:9) This is truly Reality TV; can you imagine some of the possible titles? “The Political Comedy Hour - Red Light in the White House,” “The Hating Game - How Long will this Couple Stay Married?” and “Religion Today - Why Are Humans Playing God?” They don’t get to turn the channel when there is too much violence. But, they are allowed Divine intervention when they are invited to participate, through humankind’s free will choice of prayer. This is how much God respects free will, he won’t force anything upon us even if it is good for us. That is why we must ask the Angels to help us, even in small things. They want to help, they yearn to help.

In fact, one of the most touching things about Angels is that wherever the sun is going down around the earth, they sing a prayer for humankind, a blessing upon those who have chosen to stay one more day. They know how the unHoly Angels war against us, and the lack of clarity that most have about what is going on, and that we often forget and think we are separate and alone. They know it is difficult. They used to be taunted by the unHoly Angels too; then Michael the Archangel cast out “a third of the stars of heaven,” which is literally thousands upon thousands of Angels, in what is called The Great War. Formerly, the fallen Angels could come and go out of heaven, (Job. 2:1,2) but after this war they were not allowed to come back for any reason, and a great chasm was built to prevent one side hearing the other. Now, they are held in the vicinity of the earth (which includes the moon), for a short period of time. “Therefore rejoice, you heavens an you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and to the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”(Revelation. 12:12)

Most of the time Holy Angels stay invisible, but they are allowed to appear in different forms and even manifest a human body when needed. Remember what Einstein said? Matter is just slowed down energy. More often they look like a mist, bright light, tall bright man, shimmering heat waves or as vibrational qualities of energy, and you may not always clearly see the facets of love swirling within them, depending on the form they take. But, most of the time you will not see anything with your eyes - you will just have a knowing sense that you are not alone. Angels are difficult to see because their frequency is so very high. They really have to slow it down to allow us to see them. The Holy Spirit is warm or hot, but most of the time spirits, ghosts and Angels make the room feel very cold. When you sense these feelings, try to lift your own vibrational level up as far as you can, and go into prayer thereby bringing Holy Spirit further into play, and breathe very deeply. Now, cross your eyes slightly (as if you were looking at a “magic eye” puzzle of the 1980’s) and be open without fear, asking to see a Holy Angel from God. The Angel also has to choose to let you see him, and to slow down his energy to make it possible. Remember that Holy Angels do not want glory for themselves, so will only appear if it is in the best interest for the job. Be prepared to see Angels in a much different way than Hollywood portrays! They can be so very huge – I’ve seen Angels almost 40 feet tall, standing head and shoulders over a house that had just been blessed. They can also be very, very small.

The unHoly Angels: because of free will and ability to make one’s own choices, there were Angels in Noah’s day that came down to earth and materialized male bodies for themselves.“The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose…the Nephilim were on the earth in those days, when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.” (Genesis 6:2-4) These Angels who had left their responsibilities were then called fallen Angels, evil spirits, unHoly Angels or demons. They were not allowed to come back into their original job positions, the responsibilities they were created for. They were now on the same side of the fence as the Angel called Satan, who was the first Angel that had previously rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden.

The human/angel hybrid offspring of these willful unHoly Angels were called “Nephilim.” They were a powerful race of giants with supernatural powers which they used without restraint, bent on manipulation and destruction of the human race. Even the mothers died traumatic deaths bearing them at about four months of gestation. They had no spirit, because they were not created by God – so the unHoly Angels needed to stay in close proximity to them for them to exist. One of the main reasons the flood occurred was to wipe out their hybrid physical bodies. The memory of these superhuman giants were strong memories for the eight surviving members of Noah’s family in the ark, and the stories were passed down through generations, including how God saved them by a great flood. Many of the Greek mythologies of ancient times were based on partial memories of these real experiences. Since the flood, neither Satan nor any of the unHoly Angels are allowed to materialize in physical form ever again. But, they still try to appear as mist, brightness, etc, like a Holy Angel, and they try to manipulate behind the scenes. That is why they look for humans to inhabit to be their “eyes and hands.”

Lucifer himself had once been a Holy son of God, but because of misuse of free will, he chose to rebel, and thus made himself the devil, or Satan (meaning “slanderer,” “rebeller”). In the Garden of Eden he brought up three questions involving God’s right to rule. In God’s patience and grace, God has allowed these questions to be answered. Like a big court case, the evidence has been mounting in Love’s behalf for thousands of years. Now we are at the last second of time before the case is closed. Knowing this, the demons are causing as much destruction as possible. But, if we call upon the Holy Angels they will protect and guide us. This can be as easy as a specific thought or personal prayer, or by citing prayers called the Divine Decrees, which were given by God through stigmata to help us participate with the Angels in this world shift.

Love Always Wins! That is God’s law - good always conquers evil, and love is the best choice and highest good for all. Even now in these last moments, God’s arms are open to any of the Angels who wish to come back to him, and they will be welcomed back joyfully by all their former brothers. It is one of the reasons why things have gone on so long, for God desires none to be cut off, and he lets the demons see that even in our imperfection, we often chose love over fear, and light over dark. In fact, many of our human testimonies have changed the minds of demons, and they have gone back to God. So we humans need not ever fear; Angels not only exist but want to help us. We have a charge of them at our disposal, and we are on the winning team – just call the Holy Angels in. We can’t ask for any better than that!

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Are You Hearing God or Yourself?

Many people let their inner voice guide them. Some may call it a feeling, or inspiration; men may name it a “gut feeling” or women may say it is “intuition.” But for those who recognize their spiritual need and seek God’s guidance in their lives, how do you know for sure if you are just listening to your own emotions or not? How do you know if you are hearing God or yourself? There are many ways to find out without a doubt who is doing the talking! Let’s look at some now.

Is it of Love or Fear? If you see the core of God as being unconditional Love, all answers and information from God will highlight that. There are only two choices in life – love or fear. Love moves us forward, fear stagnates and freezes us. So use this freely as a method to know if what has come to your mind is motivating and carrying you forward, or not. Often we are asked to go forward without knowing all the in’s and out’s of a matter – we may not have the answers for everything, but trusting to take that first step highlighted in front of us is a place that faith can, and does, bless. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Heb. 11:1)

Is it Words of Man or of God? Each of us is bombarded with hundreds of outside influences every day. Whether it is a commercial telling you to buy a certain product, a magazine telling you to look and act a certain way, or a co-worker or friend suggesting you do this or that because it worked well for them. The list goes on and on. It is tempting to give your power away to everyone else, and do whatever anyone else says to – it is the easy way out and if something goes wrong, you can pass the blame onto someone else. But, you yourself will reap the consequences of your choices, and whether they be for good or bad, the ripple effect will always include you. God asks each one of us to be the mystic, to hear him for ourselves. So, while you may receive information from many different sources, your power lies in the ability of discernment; to lift all of what is gathered up to Love and see if it truly is right for you or not.

Is it in Accord with your Prayers? Prayer is a place of oneness of giving and receiving dialog, of hanging out and building a relationship with God as a trusted friend. We are asked to be specific in our prayers. This gives us greater ability to see The Big Guy’s hand in things when they appear. He takes every opportunity available to speak to our spirit, which is why we feel calmer and more at peace after we spend time with him. Prayer is like a high-speed internet download, by using our free will desire to connect with God, we receive information that we may not even be conscious of, to help us in matters at the time, and even in future times to come.

Is it an Internal Recording? All of us have a certain amount of history that influences how we make our present and our future. Some of these influences are from where we are born in the world, our culture and our traditions. Others have to do with our personal family dynamics. If you were raised in a home where a parent was difficult to please, or a school that rarely complemented personal effort, or you were segregated in one way or another because of your looks, income, race or religious beliefs, these negative memories may influence thoughts about yourself or abilities. Awareness of this is the key to letting it go, and looking at things from a fresh perspective outside of yourself, beyond imposed limitations.

Our best guidance comes from beyond the emotions we may feel at any given moment. By following the four simple rules above, we can know much better what has been divinely given us by Father, and what has not. True discernment comes from knowing that God will always expand us toward love in all things, and that fear has no place in that forward movement. Do not give all your power away to the influences around you, but use prayerful discernment to receive what is best for you. Be specific in your prayers so that you recognize them when they are answered, and let go of any internal recordings that may taint preconceptions about yourself. And have confidence, because now you know who is talking!

When Gay is OK with God, and When it’s Not

There are two kinds of homosexuality. A person can be born a homosexual, or they can be maneuvered into becoming one. One person will easily think, act and process information like the opposite sex. The other will hold an often undisclosed inner anger and feeling of frustration and unworthiness about their sexual orientation. Both can become very depressed about how they are treated by society. They may also feel unloved by God, or at least unsure about how they fit in. What makes the differences at birth? When is gay OK with God, and when is it not?

All of us have had many lives as both sexes, and we have gone through many generations since Adam and Eve. In the beginning, man and woman were created perfectly, which included sex only between male and female, that was the first marriage. When our original parents pulled away from love it was reflected in many ways, including emotional and physical limitations, and eventually even death. We are now a very long way from being perfect.

The baby born with a cleft palate, with heroin addiction, with pigmentation problems, with sight or hearing difficulties, did not choose to come into life that way. There were many factors as their body was developing that made them so. Our genetics, environmental factors, cause and effect of personal choices (drugs, diet, etc.) are all reasons why children are born with differences, yet all are loved by God. God never creates difficulties in a person’s life to teach a lesson. He is a God of love, he doesn’t bring about bad for people to appreciate the good. But no matter what the difficulty might be or how it came about, God is always there to help make it better.

Do we think God doesn’t love these children? But their spirit is not their body. The spirit lives in the body, like electrical inside a house. There are babies born with perfectly healthy bodies, but the spirit has become vulnerable. This can happen through trauma at birth, through addiction of the mother, and other influences. The spirit is a very real thing, and basically looks like a golf tee in the body, with the bulk of it in our head and the rest down our spine. Daily we carry with us all our experiences of every life we have ever had. It is in our spirit over layered with our physical brain (did you even wonder what all that extra “unused” brain was for? Now you know!). We are never separate from ourselves. But, it would be a very great distraction to accomplishing what we need to in this life if we were fully cognizant of all those other experiences. It is God who put the veil there, and in the natural course of our life he will give us glimpses as he sees fit, into the positive choices we have previously made, and our past successes with expanding love. When God opens the veil, it is always for positive encouragement. All the places where we have failed and made bad choices are kept closed when God opens the veil.

However, a child may come in with a thinness or even a tiny rip in the veil. Sometimes that small tear makes them a natural genius, musician or world-class artist because they are simply remembering and growing upon their previous life experiences. It can also rip in a place that is not a positive experience, and huge rips often create a mesh a person cannot handle well, and what many doctors may label as autism and other similar problems. Sometimes it can also bring up memories of being male, or being female. When this happens, the baby is born homosexual, it is natural for them, and they are now simply growing upon their previous experiences, no matter what physical body their spirit may be in. And since the spirit and body are interwoven together, real chemical and physical changes occur in the body as well. The child born a homosexual is OK with God, they are not able to change, or even asked to. And, they are unconditionally loved.

But what about the person who has been maneuvered into homosexuality? God is very straight forward about the immediate need to turn away from it, for it disrupts everything about how they interact with themselves, with others and with God. It hampers spiritual growth and can lead to further manipulation in many ways. The Big Guy wants all of us to have happy, healthy and abundant lives. He does not want us to be injuring ourselves in any way. This is why you will see numerous Biblical references to the immediate need for change (Genesis 19:1-29; Romans 1:18-32 ). Unfortunately, through time these scriptures have been pointed toward all homosexuals and this has been a manipulation too. The person maneuvered into homosexuality is not feeling OK , and they are asked to change. However, they too are unconditionally loved. It is in the midst of our struggles that God gives us even further opportunities to see the offering of his hand in supporting and guiding us, and as a support of love upon our shoulder for encouragement and strength. He doesn’t want anyone to be hurting themselves, or anyone else.

How does maneuvering into homosexuality happen? There is more involved in that than you may be aware of. Each of us is created with free will, it is like a bubble or shield around us. But it can get holes in it, punched through from the outside from physical abuse, emotional abuse or sexual abuse by another person; or we can punch holes in it ourselves by addictions, times of high emotions such as grief or anger, some medications, or willful sin (doing things we know we shouldn’t do but doing it anyway). When we get holes in this shield, we can be attacked through them. What attacks us? God made Angels with free will as well as humans. Some of these Angels unplugged from God and are the ones who attack; they have then made themselves unHoly Angels, or demons. And they attack the same three things they have for thousands of years – finances, health and relationships. They want to make us feel hopeless, helpless, alone; that we will never see our dreams come true, we will never be fully healthy or happy or have long-term relationships, and that we always have to be afraid that the other shoe will drop. They keep twisting the sword in any hole they find in the shield, even desiring every child of God to get to the point of self-destruction and suicide. They want to hurt God by hurting the things he loves.

In their plot to make us to feel isolated or separate from others, ourselves and even from God, one of the many tactics the unHoly Angels use is convincing people that they are homosexual when they are not. Or, if they are born homosexual, that they need to change before they can be loved, which is impossible for them to do. Sexuality is a strong and natural desire to express ourselves to our mates, and since the act of orgasm brings the couple together in spirit to touching the face of God, the unHoly Angels wish to pervert it and make a person feel dirty, they wish to take away the sanctification and joy that coupling brings.

So a person can be maneuvered into thinking they are homosexual without even another human being involved in it. What can we do? We can ask for help. We can pray. Prayer is a place of going beyond the bubble, and using our free will to connect with a power higher than ourselves. It is a place of allowing ourselves to receive love, guidance and protection from God. It is a place of transformation, of healing, of clarity of thought, of discernment. Prayerful connection can help you discern what kind of homosexual you are, and feel the unconditional love that is there for you beyond orientation. It can also be a place of asking for a special kind of prayer – a cleansing off anything that is not of love, asking for awareness of any holes, and participating in closing them. This kind of prayer is called a cleansing or deliverance prayer, and has helped countless people in difficult situations of all types. Here is a simple deliverance prayer you can do for yourself. Please note there may be times a more advanced prayer is needed, when more has come upon you than you may be aware of, and asking for assistance from a person of faith can be a great help.

“Father, if there are any unHoly Angels in, on, near or around me, I nail and hold them fast and silence them. I decommission, bind and encapsulate them through the power of the shed blood of your son, Christ Jesus. I bring them up to your presence immediately to deal with as you see fit. May you fill any empty spaces and lonely places with your love and your light. Thank you Father, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

This prayer may be short, but it is powerful. It is also one of the reasons we have seen people be healed of undiagnosable diseases, emotional ailments, and even HIV/AIDS; because there is a spiritual attack that needs to end, and then the body can heal. This is why conventional medicine alone has had such problems curing these illnesses.

So there are two kinds of homosexuality. A person can be born a homosexual, or they can be maneuvered into becoming one. All of us have had many lives as both sexes. A child may come in with a tiny rip in the veil which brings up memories of being male or being female. When this happens, the baby is born homosexual, it is natural for them, and they are now simply growing upon their previous experiences. But the person who has been maneuvered into homosexuality needs to turn away from it immediately, since it hurts them in many, many ways. Manipulation of all kinds can occur when our free will get holes in it, since we are then attacked by UnHoly Angels who desire us to go against who we truly are and make us feel unworthy and unloved. But prayer can help us remember ourselves at spirit level, and receive ongoing Angelic support, protection and healing. It is in the midst of our struggles that God gives us even further opportunities for guidance, and is a support of love for encouragement and strength. He doesn’t want anyone to be hurting themselves or anyone else, which also can include our view of judgment of self or others “…for God does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart” (1 Samuel.16:6,7). For no matter who we are, we are all imperfect, and we are all unconditionally loved, beyond orientation.

What Does God Say? About Eating Meat “If Mankind Had Known, They Would Have Perished…”

Is it right to eat meat? No matter what religious or spiritual background you may have, it is a valid question. If we are looking to know the heart of Divine Love in all things, why not also in our choices of food? Also, in recent years there have been very public health scares about meat consumption; we read of illnesses and death related to contaminated meat, and also about meat additives such as hormones and antibiotics. What is the best thing to do for our bodies and the bodies of those we love? Should we just stop eating meat? Or just stop eating red meat? Or maybe buy organic meat instead? How does a person figure it all out? Again, this is where knowledge beyond ourselves comes into play, the One who made our bodies knows what is best for them. What does God say about eating meat? What are animals anyway and why are they here? Is it primarily so we can eat them?

There are two kinds of animals on the earth, wild and domesticated. Just as we are sparks off of the Divine Flame, domesticated animals are smaller sparks off of our own flames. These delegates serve a specific purpose, they are here to teach us more about love, the giving and receiving of love, balance within these bodies and most certainly how to play. These are our pets, and they take these roles very seriously. Delegates operate within our own free will, they are a part of us and are here to help us. They are spirit off our spirit, just as our spirit is off of God’s. They are mobile sacred space, opportunities of unconditional love.

What about the non-domesticated animals or wild animals? These all belong to God. These are what we can think of as Father’s delegates. These are a different kind of extension of love and joy for Father to feel and experience life through. It is easy to see how people of all cultures have had respect for animals in some regard and how those that we think of as being more spiritual have picked up on the respectful treatment of animals. When we take care of the wild animals, when we show love and respect for them, we demonstrate love and respect for the One who created us all. There are many examples of this, one being St. Francis of Assisi who often called the animals brothers, and was said to be able to communicate with them freely. Clearly, animals have much more to offer us then their flesh. Whether they be wild or domesticated.

Does that mean that a person is doing something wrong if they eat meat? No, it does not. Tiffany Snow specifically asked the question during one of the experiences of her stigmata (the spontaneous opening of the five wounds of Christ). The information offered here is from that time of connection, plus Bible quotations are listed for reference as well.

When God first made mankind, he made them vegetarians. Interestingly, he also made animals that way too. “Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground – everything that has the breath of life in it – I give every green plant for food. And it was so.” (Genesis 1:29,30) Mankind and the animals were at peace with one another, and a primary objective was to spend time with them and get to know them well (Genesis 2:19, 20).

All this changed after the flood of Noah’s day. Now the original ecosystem had been destroyed, and new ways to live it in were given. “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.” (Genesis 9:3,4) Along with this mankind now had a new relationship with the animals, as they also had among themselves. (Genesis 9:2) Now meat was added to sustain life in this new, less Edenic world. It was given as a gift so that others could live. Why had the information about the true delegate nature of animals not been given in the scriptures before? God said it was because if mankind had known, they would not have eaten meat, and would have perished right after the flood, because there was not enough sustenance in the land itself through any other means.

God is so loving that he would allow for encroachment upon himself rather than have mankind suffer and perish by not having enough to eat. This is a precious insight into the tenderness of Love. This is Divine Love in action everyday, literally laying down one’s life for another. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

Be encouraged then to partake of the banquet that God has ordained for us. For God has allowed mankind to eat meat so that mankind not suffer or be in lack. It is a blessing given to us, with one condition. When meat was given to mankind it was also with the provision that the blood in it was poured out to God. The blood circulating in our veins is not ours, but on loan by God, it is considered his. “The life of the flesh is in the blood…drain out the blood and cover it with earth…you must not eat the blood of any creature…” (Leviticus 17:10-14) Many have wondered if this applies to how a meat is cooked, if eating rare meat is not recommended. But that is not the case. If the animal has been properly bled, that is all that is required, and need not worry us.

Yes, in all cultures throughout time we have seen the natural inclination that as spirituality increases, many have chosen to eat less meat or not to eat meat at all. But this is not required by God, but it is a free will choice available to man, and at this time of world imperfection, we are able to eat meat as needed or even desired. We are told in the Bible that if a person has faith that is strong, it will not matter what they eat. If their faith is weaker and they see a limitation upon themselves that they have imposed or bought into from an imposition of another and they think that they cause themselves harm by eating this food or that food, then they are not to be pushed to change. It is up to them. Accept their choices and allow their faith to grow with God. (1 Corinthians 8:1-13) For it is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – not about what he eats or puts in his mouth, but about what comes from it. (Matthew 15:17-20)

From this we can also better understand the sacrifice of animals all throughout scripture. In the Old Testament we have many examples of an animal being offered as a sacrifice, to wash away sin (sin means literally “missing the mark of perfection” like an arrow missing the bull’s-eye). God asked that these animals be the first born, be pure and without defect and he asked that their blood be used as a cleansing. Does it make more sense now, knowing that it was God’s blood, through the animal, that was being used as a cleansing? God himself was rinsing away sin through his own blood within the animal offered. Now do you also see the forgiveness of sin that came through the life-blood of the perfect first-born son of God, Christ himself, poured out for all mankind?

So let it be known that it is up to each individual whether or not they choose to eat meat. That is between the person and God. We are not asked to live in fear, for fear stagnates and freezes us, love always moves us forward. Listen to the spirit of God within you, for he often talks to us in our own voice, and lift up any questions about eating this or that to God. It is not about following the news about the next health scare, which often includes vegetable warnings as well. But to live in faith and love, and in balance. This place of balance is where The Big Guy wants all of us to be, each of us to be the mystic and hear him for ourselves. Not to give our power away to others or live in fear, but to lift all things up and see if they resonate with our heart and spirit, to listen to the spark of God within us. That place of listening may be guiding your hand over which cut or kind of meat on any particular day, or it may be that place of remembering to pray a blessing over any food before you eat it, transforming it back into a state of health for us.

Now you have greater understanding of the deeper knowledge of animals and meat, and the love of God for humanity.

Love desires us and our loved ones to be healthy, and fully guided and protected in all things. Especially as things speed up in this world shift and the dark becomes darker, more guidance and information is given, for the light becomes lighter as well, and Love wins! This love includes having safe and healthy food for the physical body, and the spiritual information to help us grow and understand ourselves and the world better, including the animals around us.

What Happens When a Pet Dies? The Spirit Lifts Out When Death is Imminent

When death of a person or an animal is imminent, God lifts the spirit out. This is a place of comfort for us to know, since any images that you have seen of the body going into spasm or destruction before death is not felt by the spirit, since it is not in the body at that time; the body is only reacting on automatic. Before the body hits the ground from a tall building, before the car bursts into flames, before the animal’s throat is torn, before a murder takes place, the final impact is not felt. We never have anything to fear, not even death! God is gracious and kind to all, and though the physical body may not survive, the spirit does, whether animal or human.

Pets are literally part of us. Just as we are a spark off of the Divine Flame, domesticated animals are smaller sparks off of our own flames. We are given the choice before coming into these bodies of how many sparks we wish to let out to become our delegates. Delegates serve a specific purpose, they are here to teach us more about love, the giving and receiving of love, balance within these bodies and most certainly how to play! Delegates take these roles very seriously. Delegates operate within our own free will, they are a part of us and are here to help us. They are spirit off our spirit, just as our spirit is off of God’s. What about the non-domesticated animals or wild animals? These all belong to God. These are what we can think of as Father’s delegates. These are the place of love and joy for Father to feel and experience. It is easy to see how people of all cultures have had respect for animals in some regard and how those that we think of as being more spiritual have picked up on the respectful treatment of animals. When we take care of the wild animals, when we show love and respect for them, we demonstrate love and respect for the One who created us all.

Now, when the body of a pet is worn out, when it is time for a pet to die, it is extremely important to understand that it is only the body that dies. The spirit of the delegate lifts out and awaits the next new body that you accept into your life as your pet. The delegate doesn’t die; it just awaits the next interaction. Depending on how many delegates you have waiting to come in, the delegate that was in the body that just died may come right back or may wait while another spark off of your flame drops in. Either way, it is about God’s Love being shown to you and you having the opportunity to experience more about love.

So as the pet is dying, it is important to let them know how great a job they have done, and that they have taught you a lot and helped you so much. Letting the pet know that it is okay to die and let go. They understand so much more than you may think they do. It is important that you give your pet permission to die. And it is important to understand that the delegate doesn’t die when the body of your pet does. Let it soak in and be a comfort to you that the spirit of the pet, your delegate, will never be separated from you. Remember, they are a spark from your flame, but the spirit continues on. Sorrow is to be expected, we miss touching them, hearing them, all the five senses that were conscious of them in the “real” world now crave and remember what used to be. After their death, you may even find yourself being visited by your little one; a familiar sound, an indent on your bed next to you, warm beside you exactly where they used to be. You may even catch glimpses out of the corner of your eye, just as you can with humans that have passed on, and Angels. All these things are very real, and ways that The Big Guy wants you to be comforted and know that existence continues on past the body.

Your heart will let you know when to get another pet, and this is a decision that is not to be made by another person, but by you. Like all decisions in life, we have two choices, love or fear. Love moves us forward, fear stagnates and freezes us. If you find yourself not wanting to get another pet because of the fear of loss again, that is the wrong way to make a decision. Let love always be your motivating factor in all things, and follow through on what your spirit and Divine Spirit is telling you.

It is up to you to choose what kind of body you will be next be giving your new delegate. It is not necessary to choose a body that has already been beaten up. Many people gravitate to the animals that are sickly and in need of love. That is okay, but it is important to understand that the healthier the body of the animal, the longer the delegate can be around.

You are in charge of your choices, the type of body for your delegate or if you want one at all. You will know in your heart if you chose to have a pet before you came in. You will feel incomplete, and desirous of having one. This is an issue that cannot be forced. Do you understand now why during separation or divorce proceedings so much emotion is focused on pet ownership? With all this information, perhaps it will help parents to understand the strong desire of children to have pets as well. It really is not our place to say no to others about the decision of pet ownership, or even in what domestic form it may take; though it would show maturity and consideration to weigh factors such as cost, space, and care with all those involved where the pet will live. With all of this, remember that love never dies; and neither does the spirit of your little helpers, your touch-stone to unconditional love. A pet is a mobile sacred space of love, always ready to teach you more about who you are, who God is, and who each other is. Enjoy the love!

What Are Animals and Why Are They Here? A Spark Off Our Own Flame

Why do people love their pets so much? Why is the attachment and the longing for pets so strong? Around the world, billions of dollars are spent on pet care each year; much of it not just for food, but for toys and specialty items. Some religions even offer a day for blessings of pets. St. Francis of Assisi was noted for such love of animals that he could hear them. What are pets really? Do animals have spirits? Is there a difference between domestic and wild animals? The answers are here; pets are literally part of us. Just as we are a spark off of the Divine Flame, domesticated animals are smaller sparks off of our own flames.

We are given the choice before coming into these bodies of how many sparks we wish to let out to become our delegates. Delegates serve a specific purpose, they are here to teach us more about love, the giving and receiving of love, balance within these bodies and most certainly how to play! Delegates take these roles very seriously. Delegates operate within our own free will, they are a part of us and are here to help us. They are spirit off our spirit, just as our spirit is off of God’s.

Our sparks drop into what people generally think of as pets or domesticated animals. Once we have freely taken ownership and while the pet takes its first nap, the spark comes into the pet and it becomes our delegate. It does not matter if they were owned by other people before us. Think of it this way: when we sleep, our body is on automatic, our breathing and heartbeat continue, our body is still alive, but meanwhile we are not in conscious control of any of these things or even of having a body. This is because our spirit is busy and only thinly attached to the physical. That is why sleep is often likened to death. Except in death, the spirit does not re-animate the body.

This delegate spirit is why you may see similar personalities of animals you have had repeat time after time. While you work on those specific characteristics that you are expanding on, the life after life polishing of the facets of love continue and the core spirit brightens. Also, your new animal pet does not lose their own personality, it combines with your spirit brought in. For example, the genetic qualities, training and experiences will still remain intact.

We can have more than one delegate at a time. It depends on how many we choose to let out from us when we were coming into this body, this life. These sparks wait around us as parts of us until we have taken ownership of a pet or animal. Wild animals and fish will never be our delegates. While a fish may be calming to look at and watch, fish will always remain a food source. Our sparks will not drop into fish or wild animals.

Can you see why people love their pets so much? Can you see the attachment, and why the care and the longing for pets is so important? It is truly, the reuniting of a part of our spirit that has descended into our pet helping us to remember the place of love that we come from, the place of love that we are! Pets are so much more than pets, they are our delegates of love allowed for us at this time to experience even more about love. This is why people are so attached to their animals for they are a part of their very self! This is also why when you see animals being treated with abuse, you will see their owners being hurtful to themselves as well.

What about the non-domesticated animals or wild animals? These all belong to God. These are what we can think of as Father’s delegates. These are the place of love and joy for Father to feel and experience. It is easy to see how people of all cultures have had respect for animals in some regard and how those that we think of as being more spiritual have picked up on the respectful treatment of animals. When we take care of the wild animals, when we show love and respect for them, we demonstrate love and respect for the One who created us all.

Does it make much more sense now looking at why there are many organizations that look out for the welfare of pets and animals? All animals, whether they are our pets/delegates or they belong to God are a gift for all to learn about love. Those that understand love and seek to protect love have also sought to protect the aspects of love and righteousness, specifically in this case, the delegates of our animals.

What if there is only one domestic animal in a family? Our delegates related specifically to an individual. If you are in a family and there is only one pet in the family, that pet is a delegate of only one person. Now this in no way limits the giving and receiving of love. Many know and understand the value of having a pet and although there is work and maintenance that goes along with it, the love that is there is immeasurable. When there is a pet within a family, there is love that is shared with all, and when that delegate is loved by others in the family, the person it is attached to is also loved.

Again it is important to look at how we treat our pets, since it is a reflection of how we do with love. Are we too hard on ourselves? Do we expect perfect behavior? Do we seek to have constant attention? Do we want to control everything around us? These are things that we can see reflected in the ways that we interact with our pets, and opportunities to change behaviors. As such, when we are kind and loving to our pets, we are learning more about love as well as showing love to the person whose delegate is the pet!

This is another reason why those who have pets may feel rejection when someone doesn’t care for their pet or when someone is mean to their pet. If the pet is neglected or ignored it is as if that person is neglected or ignored as well. When we show kindness and love to the pet of someone else, we are showing kindness and love to that person. This is a pretty neat way to experience the giving and receiving of love! To those that have pets or desire to have pets, this will make perfect sense. To those who don’t desire to have pets at all, know that you made this choice before coming into this life, and are not forced now to have them, since there are no delegate sparks there from you waiting to come in. They are only an additional opportunity Love gives us, and we can choose freely as we like for each life to have none, one, a few or many. It is, and has been, up to you all along. And each life you get to choose again what to decide for that time.

Like us, pets are in a physical body and these physical bodies have to be taken care of, and their bodies need balance and care to survive just as ours do. Remember this when you are questioning why your dog is eating rather than coming over to play with you. It is not that the dog doesn’t want to play, it is simply that they must eat to survive in the body. With all this information, we are not to take as offense what our pets do or how they react or respond in different situations. We are to look at it as an opportunity to learn, grow, make better choices, and love unconditionally through it all.

Have you ever been pestered by your pet to talk to them or pet them when you are having a really tough day? Ever feel annoyed because your pet wants you to take them out for a walk or play when you are frustrated? Ever feel the last thing you want to do is stop your work, yet that is the very thing that your pet is asking you to do? Can you see and understand now why all this is happening? It is precisely when you are frustrated or upset that your pet knows and feels this as well. As your delegate, they are intimately connected with your spirit. If you are in a bad place, they feel it. Their job is helping you to balance, to choose love, to lighten and to play! Your delegate is happy when you are happy and your delegate is sad when you are sad. Knowing that they are a part of you makes this easier to understand. Enjoy the love! Enjoy your pet.

Near Death Experience by Lightning Strike “Heal My Children…Help Them Remember Who They Are”

“Stars!” I shouted through the thunder to the appaloosa pacing behind the chain link fence. “Stars! You are always the one getting into trouble! In the middle of a storm trying to find fresh grass!” As I let the chain of the tractor shed down with one hand, I steadied myself against a wooden structure pole with the other. The horse bolted up the pasture, as the finger of God bolted down. That stormy day on my horse ranch in Tennessee, standing in the pouring rain with my arms outstretched, I was struck dead by a bolt of lightning…and it changed my life forever.

Not everyone needs to be struck by lightning, or have a miracle happen, to understand God’s will for his life. But, that is the method that God used to fix up one of his most broken kids: me. It was summertime in the South. A time of good green pasture for the horses, ripe tomatoes on the vine, and long drives in the country. Life seemed wonderfully slow for me that gracious summer; as slow as the drone of the honeybees in the apple trees, as slow as the preparations for the upcoming county fair.

For the first time in many years, all four of my children had come together for vacation time, and I knew that it would be the last tick of the clock before their lives would get too busy to experience this again. I was making every opportunity to show them a full and adventurous summer. Life had never been so materially good! I was thankful to share the riches of my new life as a new wife. We would swim in the pool, watch movies and ride the go-cart. We would drive the jaguar in the country and go camping and have picnics. We would ride the horses.

I could overlook the growing detachment of my husband and the late night phone calls. I could also ignore the mysterious apathy and disdain my oldest daughter had for me. I could overlook the bill collectors’ constant threats and the new expensive toys being brought home that we couldn’t afford. I thought I could make it through anything - hadn’t I just survived my fourth encounter with possible death? Even the doctors were amazed. The venomous spider bite had tried to shut down my breathing and my heart, but the doctors knew what drugs to pump through me and I had made it through - and this had happened just the previous week!

My husband and I had been married only a year and a half. The marriage counseling would work. He would stop comparing me unfavorably to his “special friend” of seventeen years, telling me about her just two weeks ago; and for me to “just deal with it.” He would stop needing her. He would remember he loved only me. I hoped time would blow away the ominous gray clouds gathering in my personal life. I kept telling myself time would help, and I would adjust again, somehow.

I hoped that if I closed my eyes and wished hard enough, everything bad would just disappear. Hadn’t I gone through this enough times? Why did this keep repeating itself? Why did I continue to make poor choices about the mate in my life? One thing I had learned - that I would feel that I didn’t deserve this and that God had abandoned me. Then I would usually try to fix things myself. When that would fail, I would then call upon Him, and he would bail me out, change the situation, and slowly mend all the broken parts. But this time, I felt there was no way my life could be fixed. I was broken beyond repair. I felt I had no mission, that my life had no purpose.

I was so tired of starting over. For the first time in my life I felt I had some material advantage, and I did not want that to change - the children enjoyed it so much, and so did I. I chose not to pray about it - I felt I would sacrifice my happiness for whatever short-term material gain could benefit the children and me. My life had been messed up too much, and too many times. There was nothing left for me. So I decided I would do what my husband said, and just “deal with it.” I would resign myself to ignoring the problems around me, and just struggle from day to day, with a fake smile and heavy heart. Love between people seemed only a façade for control. I felt already dead; my heart knew no joy. I was without hope, and felt helplessly broken.

Although I refused to see the storm swirling under my own roof, I couldn’t ignore the rain and thunderclouds gathering outside over the valley. Strong winds were blowing up the hill over the pasture; rain was beginning to pelt the garden. That’s when I ran out of time. And I would never look at time, and many other things, the same way again. My old life would soon be over; the former anxiety ridden, hopeless person I was, literally died on that summer day. As the rain worsened it sounded like large marbles dropping on the metal-roofed sheds. I had to go check on the horses. I had to make sure they were safe.

One of the horses, a leopard appaloosa, had gotten under the chain placed across the driveways of the carport where we kept the tractor, truck, and various farm implements. He was trotting around anxiously looking for a way out, and I was afraid he was going to hurt himself. “Stars!” I shouted. “Stars! You are always the one getting into trouble! In the middle of a storm trying to find fresh grass!” I steadied myself with one hand on a wooden support pole and with the other unhooked the chain and moved aside. Stars ran out, kicking up his heels. I went to click it back into place, and a bright light burst around me, with a deafening roar.

My muscles instantly contorted this way and that – reminiscent of the wild gyrations of John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever.” I was doing an uncontrollable electrical dance. There was an instant of terrible pain, and then I felt no pain, and actually gained clarity of thought. In that split second, I turned around and tried to push my chest against the corner of the parked truck, remembering that electrical shocks often stop the heart. Then, my eyesight narrowed and I felt my body slowly slide down the bumper onto the wet earth; and all went black.

The next thing I knew, I found myself standing on nothing, way up in the universe, and there were distant colorful planets all around me. As I lifted my arm, I could see misty pinpoints of stars through it, and when I moved it back and forth it made the stars look wiggly, like a reflection on water. I felt dizzy. I had a sense of being able to see not just in front of me, but all around me at the same time. Floating just a few feet from me, I saw a man with a spirit body just like mine (no wings), though he was short and had slanted eyes. He spoke to me with a voice that I heard inside my own head, saying: “Don’t be afraid, it’s ok.”

On the other side of me, another spirit person, this one much taller and with chiseled facial features (again no wings), nodded approvingly at me. All the while, we were moving with great speed toward a great ellipsed ball of spinning light; it was brilliantly white in the middle and yellowish on the outside edges. The closer we got to it, the more I felt overwhelming Love; it seemed so warm and comforting, it encompassed my very being…like the security of a favorite grandfather’s arms gently wrapped around a child on his lap. How wonderful I felt!

We stopped. The bright light was still far from me. I wanted to go on, I felt like a magnet, irresistibly drawn. The desire to “blend” had grown stronger the closer we got – I knew this place was the heavenly throne of God himself! Why had we stopped? As I stood there confused, yearning toward the Greatness beyond my reach, a glowing luminousness appeared in front of me. Gold and white sparkles came together in a glowing spiritual body, a giant image in the shape of a man with broad shoulders. A Divine Presence was here! A gentle voice called out from this realm of golden sparkles massed brilliantly in front of me – “what have you learned?” he asked, in a nondiscriminatory and non-accusing way. The voice was so soft and tender, yet the presence of Divine authority was there; I knew without a doubt that it was the voice of God’s own son, the very-much alive Jesus Christ.

Then - all of a sudden, life events unfolded before my very eyes! Key moments where I showed anger to people, and also where I had showed love, appeared like scenes out of a movie. I could feel the anger and hurt of the other person whenever I had been mean; and I also felt the anger as it rippled on through to others. I had never before faced the horrid deepness of my own sin. Then, where I showed love to people, I felt that too; and how much further that rippled out from person to person, as a warm pulse triggering cause and effect in all things that were wonderful and blessed…I had never before experienced such joy!

Then the presence of Christ said, “the flesh is the test of the spirit…love each other.” Words of wisdom imparted to me! I felt overwhelmed with love, and so privileged. The spirit on my right then talked inside my head again, and answered many questions on my mind. He also taught me details about many wonderful and sacred things. A seed was planted within me; a groundwork had been laid. And I knew that God wanted me to share this information later on, and would give me the ability to understand it. In fact, many things “I didn’t know I knew” end up being in the pages of the books I am asked to write, and what a joy they have turned out to be – to love and share with so many people in this way, and to be loved back!

While I floated there before the consciousness of Christ, the very presence of Jesus, the spirit then told me something that I didn’t at all understand: “welcome to the world of healers,” he said. This was a shock - I had no idea what that meant. I had never believed in such a thing! The church I had been with believed healing had died out in the first century with the Apostles, and also that NDEs were only reactions of a dying brain. What could this welcome mean?

At this point Christ went back into formless sparkles and faded away, and the stars and space behind his glowing features were visible once again. Such effervescent beauty and colors twinkled around me, like being in the midst of a sparkling aurora borealis. So many shapes of heavenly bodies transfixed in the cosmos, all unique and necessary, all untold distances away. Yet they felt so close that it seemed I could reach out and pluck them out of the sky, and carry them home cupped in my hands.

The slant-eyed spirit went on and continued to teach me even more. He pointed out different stars, planets, distant colorful swirling lights of all kinds, and gave names for all of them. He continued to fill me up and give me answers to thousands of questions that I never had questions for! Reams of information seemed to be exploding in my brain, like an empty library suddenly being realized! Details flooded my being about many wonderful and sacred things. I wondered: were these things newly learned, or just somehow remembered? Everything somehow felt familiar, in the Oneness of it all. I also became aware of thousands of others around me; observing, encouraging and fully loving and accepting me. I saw two children excitedly talking with each other about coming back to earth and what their new purposes would be. We live more than once. And I remembered that I had forgotten that! And I realized that in many things I had chosen tradition and pleasing others in how I viewed myself, others, and God.

The spirit who was speaking to me did not offer his name, and I did not ask. I wanted to be careful to show homage only to the True God, not to any one else. And I wanted to stay! I wanted to join myself with God’s swirling life force, his essence, the core of heaven, was just beyond! But, I wasn’t allowed to go any further. No! I wanted to go to God! I wanted to feel more Love! “Why can’t I be with you now Father? Please, Abba, Please!” I listened as hard as I could listen, waiting for the words of God. Then, just on the outside of my understanding, I faintly heard voices singing the most beautiful melody I had ever heard in my entire life. I absolutely knew that these were the blessed voices of angels and those joined with God, and came from his swirling brilliant presence, the core of heaven. There were no musical instruments, but instead, each voice lent itself as one in perfect harmony and variations of pitch and melody, flowing and moving perfectly together as easily as a flight of winged birds.

I knew it was praise for The Father, but I just couldn’t make out the words the Angels were saying. If only I could step forward just a bit more…but I was rooted in place. I felt so sad. Then all at once, words started resonating throughout my entire body as if I was standing in front of a huge amplifier at a concert stadium. It was the voice of God. It was not a hearing through my ears, but throughout my entire being. “If you love me, heal my children, help them remember who they are.”

Free will. What would I do? Yes, I would participate, I would offer. How could I not? How could I say no to God? I knew I would be totally loved and approved of either way, but I knew I would be missing out on an opportunity to expand the ripple effect of love. I needed to go back to the earth. I also wanted to make a “better movie” of my life. So there and then, I vowed to be a vessel to do only his will, I would go back.

I absolutely gave myself to him. I wanted desperately to show how much I loved him, and to share the reality of his existence with others! His will, not my own, I promised, would govern the rest of my life. If he could use this broken piece of clay from the earth, it was all his. I totally dedicated myself and surrendered all desires. Instantly, I felt a child-like sense of wonderment as a warm flood of bliss and peace overpowered me, and a warm tingling sensation filled me, like warm liquid honey flowing from the top of my head down to my very toes! What was happening to me? It was the baptism of the Holy Spirit, an anointing more commonly experienced on earth, that I was experiencing here in heaven. At that moment I knew that I would have abundant help with the work. For his children, I would be an instrument of opportunity for teaching and healing. They would be shown the true identity of a powerful loving God who loves them and desires to be an active participant in their lives. Clearly, I had a mission.

I was shown by Father that in the future I would be speaking to thousands of people at a time on spiritual things, not religious – and great healings would be happening. And the gifts of God would be poured out just for the asking, and great manifestations of signs and wonders would be occurring within the audience itself, and the Spirit of God would move all to love and remembrance of who they are, who one another is, and who Father is! All this would be occurring as the darkness in the world got darker; for the light would become brighter too. And love would win. This time is now.

Then I felt myself sinking, as if falling through a bed. I was being pulled back. I was leaving heaven. Instantly all my emotions welled up inside; remorse and joy, grief and exhilaration.

With that, I woke up, my husband shaking me by the shoulders. Somehow my physical body was now lying on the front seat of the truck, although I had left it outside in the mud. I knew clearly this was God’s hand in helping the physical body to survive. Three hours had passed since I had left the house to go to the tractor shed. The storm had moved on, though later we observed that there was evidence of at least three other strikes on the pasture, besides the one that had struck me. We saw the spots blasted on the earth. I had been under one of those blasts.

At the emergency room I was hooked up with wires and given tests to check my heart. A thorough exam revealed that it had not been damaged. But, my eyes and ears were affected very badly, as was my sense of balance. I couldn’t see very well, or hear much at all. I felt dizzy, but keenly calm and aware of the reality of my experience. The only piece of jewelry I had been wearing at the time was a single diamond earring. A brown burn mark now encircled the gold stud where it went through my ear. My skin tingled all over and was extremely sensitive to the touch, especially on my arms and in my hands. It hurt to wear clothes.

The doctors told me that I had been very lucky; the doctor said that often an arm or leg gets blown off during a strike (was he kidding?). People often die (and don’t come back – yes, I knew that). They reasoned that because I was holding the chain with one hand and the wet wooden pole with the other, the current had passed through me, instead of grounding in my body. I knew they wouldn’t believe me if I told them it had been a Divine strike, that God offered this as a wake-up call, and that I had been before the presence of God (and oh, by the way, Jesus spoke to me!). They would have kept me a lot longer than they did, and probably in a little white jacket, in a locked padded room to boot!

I spent a few days in bed, oscillating between a wild mixture of extreme happiness and unbelievable sadness. The emotions ran deeper than any I had ever felt. I was glad for the experience, but I was experiencing such homesickness! I kept re-living the event over and over in my mind, every detail emblazoned into my brain. I was determined that even if I forgot my own name, I would never forget this. I tried painting what I had seen - oil paints on canvas. The colors, no matter how I mixed them, were not brilliant enough. Nothing could capture what I had seen and felt. I felt sad again. Then once more, happy for the experience. Then confused. What did it all mean? I was losing the clarity. I prayed consistently to God to help me hear and feel him even though I was back in a physical body. I was afraid I would forget everything and all would be lost.

After a few days, I was back to my chores, including putting salve on Star’s skin infection. For six weeks I had smoothed on the medicine the vet had given me, but still the red blisters kept spreading and killing the hair all around his girth. Now I had run out of medicine, so I just rubbed his belly lightly around the outside of the infection because he had grown used to the attention. I noticed that my hands were getting very hot. I thought it must be bacteria from the infection, and when I washed my hands under cold water it went away. I didn’t think anything of it.

The next day, I walked up to rub his belly again - reminding myself to get new salve soon - and noticed that all the blisters had turned white and some were falling off. I once more rubbed around the infection, and my hands turned hot once more. The next day when I went out, all the blisters had fallen off, and there was evidence of new hair growing back. I thought this was mere coincidence. The medicine must have finally worked. I didn’t correspond it to what I had been told.

The next week, I took my cat in to be spayed. The vet said it would take 10 days for the stitches to completely heal. On the first day, she didn’t want anything to do with me. But, the second day, she was in my lap as much as possible. She just would not leave me alone - even yowling for me if I left the room! Every time I would rub her and pet her, I found that my hands would heat up again. On the third day, she tried pulling the stitches out with her teeth. On the morning of the fourth day, I decided to look at what was going on, and found that the skin had healed so well that the stitches were puckering her skin up tight. I found myself embarrassed to take her back to the vet - what would he say? So I carefully cut the threads and pulled them out myself, through skin that bore no surgical scar. Now I began to understand what was happening. I could heal animals.

Then, I wondered, will this work on me? The very next day, I made connection in prayer to God, and as I gave free will for healing, I was mentally transported to heaven, and saw myself standing before God once more, as in the near-death experience. I saw myself lifting a body up in my arms towards God, and the body was me. In real life, I placed my hands hot on my forehead, and on various parts of my body. Then, I made an appointment with the doctor. A previous mammogram had shown a lump in my breast, which they had recommended further action on, but I had put off. A former doctor had told me I had fibroid cysts in my uterus, which could only be removed through surgery. Also, I had a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder, which had prevented me from sleeping well for the past six months( a fall off of Stars).

I anxiously awaited the test results: …the mammogram showed the lump was gone…the diagnostic ultrasound showed clear, the fibroid cysts had disappeared. …also, I could sleep at night without any pain; my rotator cuff was healed. Hesitantly, I started sharing this new gift with my friends - and that’s when I ran into trouble. I found that I was taking the pain of their ailment onto myself. If they had a migraine, I would get a migraine. If they had stomach pain, I would get stomach pain. That scared me - I found myself afraid to use the gift. Maybe I was using it wrong? Why would God give me a gift that would harm me to use it? I felt I wouldn’t last very long in this work. And yet, I knew in my heart that God wouldn’t give me something that would be unsafe for me to use. What was I missing?

I thought I might find answers if I watched the healing ministries on TV. For the first time in my life I wondered if they could actually be legitimate. I had never believed in this sort of thing - I had always felt it must be fake, simply a showy display to raise money and give people false hope. Now I wanted desperately to talk to one of the healers. Did they feel sick afterward? Had they each been told, “welcome to the world of healers?” in some way? Was I part of this same group? What did God want me to understand? There was no way to contact anyone. I knew somehow I would be guided to the answers I needed about how to expand upon the gift, and how and where.

I continued on this way for a time, confused by the gift. I thought maybe I would work only on animals; I did not feel their pain. I imagined myself working for a veterinarian, alone in a back room, quietly healing all the little ones. I didn’t know what to do. So, I prayed for understanding, and what I found were words overflowing back at me from the scriptures of the Bible. The pages would randomly fall open to pertinent information, and my eyes would emblazon on the scriptures he wanted me to see. They popped out as brightly as if a yellow marker pen highlighted them! Dozens of scriptures!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah. 29:11)

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew. 5:14)

“…fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” (2 Timothy. 1:6)

A friend told me about a group of people in town that offered hands-on healing so I thought I would go talk to them. Twice a month they would gather here in this upper room and invite any who wanted to come. Their hands were hot like mine; and the people they were attending had come from the community, mostly the poor and the curious. When I entered the room, I saw many people sitting around tables, with a person lying peaceful upon the table receiving the healing. They were in prayer, and I saw a picture of Jesus hanging predominately on the wall, which made me feel comfortable. They called what they were doing Reiki, and although many use this form of healing without prayer, these were incorporating it as they moved from one part of the body to another. I prayed about what I was seeing and felt at peace.

On the desk was information about this Japanese technique, and I thumbed through it. There was a picture of a man, Dr. Usui, who had given Japanese hands-on-healing this name of Reiki in the early 1800’s, although it had been known for hundreds of years before. He had started many healing clinics in Japan. I looked at the picture and gasped - I knew this man! This was the spirit with slant-eyes and rounded belly that was beside me during my near-death experience! The very same man! My Goodness! God works in very, very mysterious ways!

With this, I knew what my next step was; and I went through the training classes of Usui Reiki. This was a touch-stone offered to help me begin feeling comfortable about group healing. As soon as I made the decision to become trained, any pain from doing any healing disappeared, and now I felt energized and euphoric after the healings. It wasn’t the Reiki that made it disappear; it was the decision to openly follow-through on what I had promised to God. The Big Guy has always used healing and miraculous signs and wonders in all parts of the earth in all cultures, in all periods of time. It doesn’t matter the training or technique – it matters Whom you are making connection to; and choosing to be an opportunity for that Love to transform and manifest. And it is up to the person who is receiving that healing to use free will to participate in welcoming it or not. God is big on free will. But he offers opportunity to all regardless of boundaries, cultures, or era. He’s a great guy, and truly to be healed and to remember who they are!

So again, adding prayer and recognizing God’s Love is what makes the miracles happen, no matter what the name of the modality is. With prayer all transformation takes place. It is not the method or terminology or what analytical touch-stone a human might use. It is the faith in God and the prayer with connects spirit to Spirit.

When God gives his people a commission or Divine gift, he does not do it without a specific purpose. So many times I had been absolutely shattered, yet he had still held me gently in the palm of his hands. There had also been many times we had walked together hand-in-hand, and many times I had turned away from him, hid my face in shame or in anger, and withdrew my hand from his. Yet, his arm was still outstretched, and he still loved me…I was astonished. Unbelievable! And now, he gave me a real purpose, along with a job where I would be working in direct communion with him everyday. He wasn’t tired of me yet! I would also be making friends and helping people from all walks of life, social standing, color and religious or spiritual background. I would get to be the nurse’s assistant to the Great Physician. I would get to see the miracles as he reached out to tell his children he is not only real and cares about them, but also has the power to manifest and transform our struggles. He desires so to have no distraction from the joyful, abundant, healthy and loving lives he desires us to have, and from fulfilling the dreams and purposes placed within our hearts.

So why the lightning strike and near-death experience? We all have defining moments, and this was mine. I was a most stubborn child in clinging to what I thought I knew. I had been so resistant, having “blinders” on and putting “God in a box,” that only an empirical, first-hand experience would open me up. I had a purpose now, and I did not have to suffer in silence or ignore my plight. I could be strong again, because his strength was in me. Everything was made anew! By Free Will I had died to self at the foot of heaven and upon the earth - and he had resurrected me up again. I was a new person. He opened me up! I vowed I would never allow myself to be closed down again.

I asked to float in his love as easily as a feather upon the breeze, and that I would go wherever he led me. “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

Now, my entire life is an adventure and an aware spirit journey! I get to see cancer disappear, brain tumors shrink and go away, blind eyes see and deaf ears hear. I get to be there when the arthritis melts away and chronic disease abates. I get to be there to see the addictions leave without side-effects, and I get to help bring peace, calmness and joy to lives of mental depression and hopelessness. I get to see infertile couples experience the joy of carrying a child in their bellies and in their arms. I meet people from all over the world, and get to be there everyday when incredible things happen, and form friendships that are deep and moving. Along the way, this wider connection with God has led to other interventions of Spirit, such as miraculous long-distance healings, medical intuition, locating missing children, helping on crime scenes, visions and prophecies. Through this Oneness of connection, nothing is impossible! I praise God continually as I enjoy every day, every moment, and every experience I have! I am always amazed how he brings his kids together, to learn to love one another and help each other. It totally humbles me to be involved in this kind of work. For this is not about me, he wants each of us to remember who we are, to be the mystic, and to transform darkness into light.

The point is this: you don’t have to be struck by lightning or have a near-death experience to open up, change your life, appreciate each other, or to have a special connection with God. Love is the key to everything. Remember, the life-review you have will be about the love you showed or didn’t show. It’s all about love! When I was before the Ultimate, I wished only to love and be responsible to him. But what he wanted was for me to be responsible and love everyone else. So, we prove our love by loving everybody else! And, it has opened me to surrender in faith to whatever God needs from me, and he has continued my enlightenment. Since July of 2005 I have been experiencing the Holy Stigmata, the five wounds of Christ. It opens spontaneously about once a month and lasts for 3 to 5 days. Part of that experience comes with new visions and information for the important time of shift we are living in, which is then written down and shared. We have even been given prayers called “Divine Decrees” that help us transform our lives and global events with Angelic help. And the healings that are occurring since that connection are even more miraculous!

My brokenness has led me to a mending of the very highest kind, and everything in my life has changed, in alignment to fulfilling that purpose. I stood up for love and everything not of love shifted out of my life. To that end, after many years I am now re-married to a loving and spiritual partner, who hears God clearly for himself and follows through on the mission placed in his heart, besides supporting me in mine. I am blessed to be working at our own place with a helpful team at The Divine Wellness Institute in southern California. Consistent with the expanding information I receive, I continue to write books and hold healing conventions in many places. We have MP3s on lots of topics and “Becoming the Mystic Classes” and live teleconferences. There are so many ways for the love to ripple and bless!

So even when I didn’t know what to ask for, in my most broken of times, The Big Guy gave me my life’s work. And I am happier that I have ever been before! Whatever periods of brokenness in my life I had to go through, whatever lessons I needed to learn to get to this place in my spiritual journey, I can release and be glad for it! Now, I am making a better “movie” for when I come before the presence again, and I’m sharing the gifts our Father freely gives us. I am thankful everyday that when I was stubborn and striking out, God stepped in and struck me down! Truly, the best thing that happened in my life was almost losing it. Being dead healed my life; and now it heals others. I’m glad to be back.