Monday, March 30, 2009

Ghosts, Spirits and Manipulated Ghosts - The Differences How to Know What Kind and What to Do

You hear footsteps, tapping, your name or voices, doors or cupboards opening or closing. You feel a wave of coldness, that something just touched you, that you are being watched. You see a glowing mist, an odd light, a dark shadow, a face, an outline, something out of the corner of your eye. What is it? Is it just your imagination or is there something much more here? No, it is not your imagination. You are being visited. And you need to know by whom and what it means. You are not alone.

Ghosts, spirits and manipulated ghosts are all folks who have lived as people and have died – this makes them different from Angels or demons who have never been humans. Ghosts are the life-force of people who have not yet gone to God. Spirits are the life-force of people who have gone to God and now have access to come and go as they please between this world and the next. Manipulated ghosts are the life-force of people who have not yet gone to God so are in ghost form, and have come under attack and control of unHoly Angels or demons.

Big choices happen at the moment of death. When death is imminent, a Holy Angel appears before us, along with several loved ones who have already passed on. This occurs to help us know that the Angel we are seeing is not a hallucination, and that we really do exist beyond our physical bodies. All Angels have specific duties, and the one that comes to us at this time is often called the Angel of death, but is more aptly called a “homing” Angel, because he is there to take us home to God. The homing Angel is very gentle and loving and maternal, and desires us not to be afraid of letting go of our bodies. We are given a choice at that time to go to God right then, or to wait until after the funeral ceremony. All we have to do is touch the hand of the Angel and everything is OK.

It shows our free will desire to go to God, and to choose love over fear. The reason we are given a choice about going right then or waiting until after the funeral is because there is a 2-3 week debriefing time after we die. During this time we have a life review, we review the facets of love learned during this life, we go through a cleansing and full remembrance of who we really are, and make decisions with our guardian Angel and Jesus about future choices. During the debriefing time we do not visit earth. But after the debriefing we can come and go and visit our loved ones on earth freely, how long and how often depends on other choices we make about what we are doing.

When we are newly out of our bodies, it takes some getting used to – for example, we now see not just through our eyes, but all around us. The homing Angel helps us get used to our new spirit body and escorts us around using his energy. If we say we want to visit our daughter or mother, in a blink of an eye we find ourselves there, and utilizing a way of connection appropriate to the situation. This is why most visitations of our loved ones happen right after their death, because they desire to let us know they are OK and still exist. After their debriefing, their ability to come and go freely also means that we can trigger visitations by prayerfully asking for them. If we desire to use a touchstone such as holding an item or picture that was dear to them, we can, that is up to us, but not necessary. They hear us at the moment we talk to them, unless they are busy, then our calling out is stored to a place that is accessed by them at another time.

Our loved ones are indented or connected to us and they desire to help us overcome our grief and help us make healthy and loving decisions in our lives. With this gentle prodding they act similar to how Angels do, looking out for our best interests and directing us in love, since all their burdens and “could haves and should haves” have been released and forgiven. By knowing the true nature of God they also know themselves and each one of us, all in love. This is our life-force as a spirit.

Ghosts on the other hand, have not taken the hand of the homing Angel and have not chosen to go to God. Because free will does not end at death, sometimes people make an incorrect choice even after letting go of the body. Ever wonder about the last part of the Hail Mary prayer? “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” At the hour of our death is when we are most at risk for being attacked. This is why it is so necessary that people are surrounded by love, understanding and support at their time of death. This is a crucial time. Many have entered the ghost life simply because they are simply afraid to go to God, thinking they would not be forgiven for things they have done. There have been many versions of faulty teachings about God – but he is not like a prison warden, or a strict overbearing disciplinarian who would send anyone to a fiery hell of torment. None of this is true – he is the core of unconditional Divine Love, forgiveness and mercy. And torture and fear could never coexist with Love, it is the exact opposite.

In fact, in Biblical days there was a pagan ritual of sacrificing children to false gods by burning them to death in fire, and God shows his repugnance for that by saying: “The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes…they have built the high places of Topheth…to burn their sons and daughters in the fire – something I did not command, nor did it come up into my heart.” (Jeremiah 7:30, 31) It is not in the heart of a loving God to do such a thing. Hell is a separation from God, fiery hell does not exist. But separation does, and when a ghost doesn’t go to Father, he is in this place of purgatory, separation or hell. He is in-between and stuck between this world and the next.

Ghosts do not know any more or any less than when they were alive. If your aunt was mean when she was here on earth, she will still be mean as a ghost. If she was the salt of the earth and kind-hearted, that is how she will be as a ghost. So, you do not have to be afraid of them. They are people who have just shed their physical bodies. They have less real power over you now than they ever had. A death that was sudden may produce ghosts because a person can’t believe they are dead and they see the homing Angel as a hoax. If they can’t believe they are dead they may go on with the same chores and stresses during their day as if they were still alive. These are the some of the hardest to convince to go home. There are a few who will go on like this for thousands of years without improvement. Some will keep repeating over and over again the most emotional part (good or bad) of their lives or the last part of their lives. Sometimes a person may mistakenly believe they can’t go to God until loose ends are tied up – but no matter what is undone, going to God and being in spirit form will help much more, and give you more helpers with you besides.

There is never a good reason not to touch the hand of the Angel. However, in his mercy, even those in ghost form are not forgotten by God. Periodically a homing Angel will be sent to each ghost offering another chance. God has also gifted many people with the ability to sense, see or feel ghosts and will periodically send these to help ghosts go home too. If you are one of these, remember there is no need to help them with unfinished business, everything will have wonderful Angelic outcome when they go to God. There is only one goal, to go to Father, to go to the light. Everything else will be taken care of. This is a test of faith, for them and for you. Briefly let them know their condition by asking a few questions: “do you remember waking up this morning? What did you eat? When did you get your last paycheck?” Then get to the point - let them know the true nature of God and how much Father loves us, how he sees us without all of our weaknesses, and that he sees only our Love, and not our imperfections which have all been forgiven by the karmic redemption of Christ, and that loved ones await them. It’s all about love.

Too many people with good intentions get tied up in thinking they are helping a ghost by extensively lingering with them and end up getting wound up in the high emotions of the ghost and get thrown off course from the main goal. Ghosts only need to do one thing, go to the light. That is it! All else will be answered for them after that. All they have to do is touch the hand of the Angel. This is a prayer to assist them in going to the light: "Wake up o sleeper and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:14) Repeating this 3 times will assist with bringing the homing Angel to them. Touching the hand of the Angel will immediately bring them to the embrace of Divine Love. That is it. It is that simple.

Ghosts are easier to see because they are of a lower vibration than spirits who have gone to God. Angels are of an extremely high vibration. They are much harder to see and have to make the intention to slow their vibration so that they may be visible. Ghosts attract things of extremely low vibration, such as demons (unHoly Angels). This is another explanation of why they must go - even if they feel they are helping their loved ones, they are not - it is very dangerous for them to hang out. Another reason is because they too can get manipulated by demons, just as we can. A full 60% of ghosts become manipulated by the unHoly Angels and turn into manipulated ghosts. Make sure that the grandmother talking to your child is a spirit and not a ghost, no matter how friendly she is.

Ghosts are humans who have died and not yet gone back to Father. Manipulated ghosts have been attacked and have fallen prey to the manipulations of the unHoly Angels and become convinced that they are demons too. The unHoly Angels twist the manipulated ghosts and use them against people like pawns, and this is why ghosts can become very destructive and evil, because they are tapping into this source. Remember these manipulated ghosts are at their core children of God, and they still have the chance to go back to Father, to learn more about love and have more opportunity to share in his love. Manipulated ghosts need more assistance to return back home to Father because they can no longer see themselves as once human, they see only the darkness and the manipulation fed to them. These are the ghosts that appear disfigured, distorted, a perversion of what they were. Anywhere there is a perversion of how something was intended to be, count on the fact that there is demonic influence present.

Here is the prayer to assist a manipulated ghost: “Lord, I ask that any manipulated ones here in this perimeter be nailed, held fast and silenced. I ask that their Angel show them their true name. As the homing Angel departs they too are allowed to leave and I say to them, Wake up O’ Sleeper and rise from the dead and Christ will shine upon you. Wake up O’ Sleeper and rise from the dead and Christ will shine upon you. Wake up O’ Sleeper and rise from the dead and Christ will shine upon you. (Ephesians 5:14) Thank you Father that these may come home to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

This prayer is not a forcing back home but an awakening to who they are as children of God. When we hold them and silence them, they cannot cause as much or any damage. It is important to know the homing Angel will never force someone to go, but offers the way. The part of our prayer asking that “their Angel show them their true name” is referring to their Guardian Angel, the one that has been with them the whole time since before their birth. This Angel shows them their true name, not as we may know a name to be, like Henry or Steve but all that they truly are, including the aspects of love that they have polished over all their lifetimes. This awareness given to the manipulated ghosts of who they truly are as a child of God, frees them from the control of the unHoly Angels and allows for communication to start up again between them and their Guardian Angel. Even with this prayer, it is still up to the ghost, so adding our own blessing asking that they return to God is powerful as well. If a manipulated ghost chooses not to go to God and is still causing problems, we can go the next step and do an exorcism as if we were casting out a demon (read more in the article “Are You Being Attacked? Deliverance and Exorcism” at

When you come across a ghost or manipulated ghost treat with love, respect, and kindness. They really are lost souls. They may be bitter, downright demonic in their behavior, or they may be just confused. It makes me upset that there are so many haunted houses in the United States today that actively encourage people to come visit them, and charge a lot of money to do so. Remember you can say the prayer whenever you like – you can do this without permission of the homeowner; it’s not like breaking a contract, such as with demons, where you need free will agreement of the renters or homeowners. It really is beautiful when the ghost “gets it” and moves on and upward; such a feeling of relief and joy can be felt! Sometimes a person who is sensitive will be able to see the heavens open and the ghost leave, and see the energy of the room charged with heavenly light. Sometimes a warmth can be felt, or the scent of a mild pleasant perfume.

No, it is not your imagination - a whole other world exists just beyond your eyes. You are not alone, none of us are, and that is a good thing. Why? Because love is greater than fear, and light is greater than darkness. We do not have to ever be afraid of ghosts, manipulated ghosts or unHoly Angels. Love reminds each of us of our power against the darkness as redeemed children of God. We have help at any and all moments by Holy Angels, spirits of loved ones, guides, our Guardian Angel, and God himself through our free will desire of prayer. Knowing this, we can always choose to be a reflection of love without fear to any who visit us; ghost, manipulated ghost or unHoly Angel.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Divine Decrees

Book 1 - The Unification Act

(1) I Decree as a Spirit of God, born as a child of man, full alignment, communication and unity of this soul’s Holy Prayers and Holy Intentions with God, The Word of God, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Ones, Guides assigned, All Holy Angels assigned (and my husband/wife and those under my care). By free will I agree to receive and connect with Love to strengthen Love, choose the way of Love, encourage Love and expand Love wherever it may be found, whenever it may be found, in whatever amount it may be found throughout all creation that has been formed, is being formed and will be formed.

(2) I Decree full authority and free will interaction to All Holy Angels assigned to utilize the indent of this soul through all interactions past, present and future to continue the experience and expansion of the Love of God.

(3) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the One King of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by the order of the Unification Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Falling snow, blanketing everything.

Color: White

Duration: 5 days. Repeat the Unification Act again at the end of 5 days).

Book 2 - The Arrival Act

(4) I Decree as a Spirit of God, born as a child of man, full trust and opportunity to allow my soul or spirit to manifest and aid as needed in any past, present and future event of God’s Love. By free will I accept full escort and call in All Holy Angels assigned to render harmless any unHoly indent while interacting in the body or in the spirit, granting safe passage to this soul and any guides assigned as well. By free will I accept and ask for transformation of any gift or material made by man or substance of creation darkened by unHoly intentions or manipulations and

(5) I Decree a cleansing of these through All Holy Angels assigned including a purification and bringing back the perfect creation within agreed parameters of interaction of the creations of the children of man to the fullness of potential made.

(6) I Decree full authority and free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to protect any and all methods of communication, interaction and information devices from manipulations and unHoly intentions, including any present methods and future methods and inventions.

(7) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present and future events until the King of All Dimensions in the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Arrival Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: The sun coming up over the horizon, going overhead and then the sun going down on the other side.

Color: Yellow

Duration: 5 days. Repeat the entire Arrival Act again at the end of 5 days).

Book 3 - The Transformation Act

(8) I Decree as a Spirit of God, born as a child of man, full healing of this soul, spirit, body and mind by full alignment of the will of God and man by the receiving of wholeness and wellness in perfection, within the present parameters set by the original choices of man and agreed upon purpose and commission for this life. By free will I offer my faith and trust, in the power and Love of God as an indent for healing, for All Holy Angels assigned to offer aid of healing of the soul, spirit, body and mind to any and all of the children of man whenever they may call out to God for healing, knowing this will occur within the present parameters set by the original choices of man and agreed upon purpose and commission for these lives, and within the present parameters of the interaction of indents.

(9) I Decree full authority and free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to manifest additional opportunities and to aid these souls to recognize all choices of Love and healing and to choose without manipulations or unHoly intentions.

(10) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the King of Re-Creation of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Transformation Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Old becoming young, deformed and bent standing straight and full, flowers going from bud to full bloom.

Color: Orange
Duration: 5 Days. Repeat the entire Transformation Act again at the end of 5 days).

Book 4 - The Protection Act

(11) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full protection of this soul, spirit, body and mind (and that of my husband/wife and those under my care) and all attending delegates by giving full authority and free will interaction to All Holy Angels assigned to render harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions sent toward us.

(12) I Decree as welcome and valid all methods and signs approved by God and conducive to the further allowance of the veil, including full awareness of my spirit and any and all interactions of the human senses or God-given gifts to aid alignment with messages and power and action needed and made available through All Holy Angels assigned, guides assigned, and empowerment given to the faithful and aware children of man through all Divine Decrees and the Twelve Books of Acts of the Love of God.

(13) I Decree this soul’s free will ability to call in All Holy Angels assigned and grant full authority and free will interaction to defend, battle, attack and render harmless as needed and to aid guides assigned and all Holy Ones with containment of all manipulations and unHoly intentions sent.

(14) I Decree this soul’s free will choice of asking for greater faith, trust and discernment of what my interaction is in every event and opportunity and utilizing this soul’s abilities and God-given gifts when asked and in the parameters suggested and at the times recommended through all Divine Decrees and the Twelve Books of Acts of the Love of God

(15) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the Warrior Son of the Kingdom of God and His Holy Army assumes full authority by order of the Protection Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Warrior Angels encircling and the sound of marching and shouting in unison.
Color: Red
Duration: 5 days. Repeat the entire Protection Act again at the end of 5 days).

Book 5 - The Forgiveness Act

(16) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full forgiveness to all children of man who have harmed or intentioned to harm this soul (my husband/wife and those under my care). By free will I ask God for forgiveness and to erase and cleanse any indent of harm or intention to harm from this soul toward myself and all other children of man, attending delegates, the earth and all living creation in relationship to man, and any and all transgressions toward God, God’s Word, The Holy Spirit, All Angels, Guides, the Holy Ones and all Spirit Beings, and I send Holy Prayers and Holy Intentions to all.

(17) I Decree full authority and free will interaction to All Holy Angels assigned to aid awareness of any and all opportunities where Love can be expanded by forgiveness in past or present events. By free will I agree with the continuing redemption of unHoly Angels as offered by the Love of God and stand as a representative of redeemed mankind accepted into unification and light once more and in this capacity and by the example of the Love of God, I grant forgiveness to all unHoly ones who have requested and gained forgiveness from God for their manipulations toward this soul (my husband/wife and those in my care).

(18) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the Mighty Counselor of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Forgiveness Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: One who is on their knees is tapped on the shoulder and asked to stand.
Color: Brown
Duration:10 days. The entire Forgiveness Act is to be repeated again at the end of 10 days).

Book 6 - The Abundance Act

(19) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full ability to attain and maintain abundance in all things beneficial to this soul (my husband/wife and those under my care) and

(20) I Decree full authority and free will interaction to All Holy Angels assigned to render harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions toward health, finances or relationships and for expanded awareness of any and all points of damage or potential damage where conscious or unconscious choices need to be transformed and healed. I acknowledge this soul’s birthright as a Spirit of God and my redemption as a child of man to live each day in full abundance and expansion of Love with God, one another and myself to the full potential of understanding and experiencing of Love this soul has been, is presently and will be accomplishing, including giving and receiving, and acceptance, gratitude and application of gifts and abilities.

(21) I Decree this soul’s free will to share abundance with all children of man in whatever way it is most needed and is most efficient and beneficial and

(22) I Decree All Holy Angels assigned to aid in this recognition and completion through free will interaction and full authority and to render harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions sent to impede this.

(23) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the King of the Over-Flowing Cup of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Abundance Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Sounds of coins, the smell of fresh bread and a vision of golden fields of wheat that never end.
Color: Green
Duration: 7 days. The entire Abundance Act is to be repeated again at the end of 7 days).

Book 7 - The Purification Act

(24) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full cleansing of the air, water and land and all living creation in relationship to man and the earth through free will acceptance and interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to render harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions including rendering harmless any and all harmful choices made by the conscious or unconscious mind of the children of man.

(25) I Decree full authority and free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to purify and sanctify any and all movements of elements beyond normal measures and to return all unHoly manipulations to the original parameters as first ordained by The Word of God, including peaceful and respectful interaction of man within the environment and man’s transformation and balance of good and natural for all living creation in relationship to man and the earth in God’s perfect plan of perpetual abundance as first ordained and commissioned.

(26) I Decree the full authority of All Holy Angels assigned to aid remembrance and giving of additional opportunities to all children of man to elicit gentleness, awareness and peaceable actions toward the air, water and land and all living creation in relationship to man and the earth.

(27) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the fullness of the shift of transformation arrives and The Master Caretaker of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by the order of the Purification Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: A cloud forming a raindrop, falling onto Earth which then turns from brown to green and full.
Color: Blue
Duration: 10 days. Repeat the entire Purification Act again at the end of 10 days).

Book 8 - The Awareness Act

(28) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full ability of discernment between Holy and unHoly.

By free will,

(29) I Decree Guides assigned and All Holy Angels assigned full access, ability and free will interaction to consistently communicate with this soul in a manner conducive to the allowance of the veil and the full potential of connection allowed at the present time of understanding. By free will this soul asks for additional opportunities of awareness of conscious or unconscious choices of cause and effect even before any decision or action is made, and clear discernment and ability to choose without manipulations or unHoly intentions sent toward this soul.

(30) I Decree this souls free will ability to immediately recognize and call in all Holy Angels assigned in all potential events of protection or harm to this soul (or to my husband/wife and those under my care) and for continuing expansion of awareness and acting in accordance with Holy signs and wonders and God-given methods of interaction and aiding personal connection, amplification, frequency and brightening of prayer.

(31) I Decree this soul’s free will to remember and act upon God’s will and agreed-upon purpose and commission for this life and to easily recognize all God-given opportunities and realizations, and to resist opportunities for unHoly actions and turn away from unHoly manifestations and to act without doubt, hesitation or fear upon every God-given opportunity and transform dark to light, and fear to Love and I ask Guides assigned and All Holy Angels assigned in assisting this soul with this, and assisting all children of man to full faith and trust in God and His Word.

(32) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the veil is fully lifted and the Holy One of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Awareness Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: A supernova expansion, starburst in the sky, a light turned on in the darkness
Color: Purple
Duration: 7 days. Repeat the entire Awareness act again at the end of 7 days).

Book 9 - The Representation Act

(33) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man this soul’s free will Holy Prayers and Holy Intentions that all those in designations of authority and divisions of government act for the betterment of the children of man.

(34) I Decree full authority and free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to render harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions sent toward these representatives, and I further ask for additional opportunities of awareness of conscious or unconscious choices of cause and effect for each decision and action where it impacts the children of man and all living creation in relationship to man, by free will this soul asks for the consistent free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to expand the justice, support and protection for those under the greatest attack and to give additional opportunities to each representative to elicit peace and harmony between all people and nations, to assist with abundance for any and all in need, and to enact any and all laws and policies that will only benefit and serve the people in the highest good as a reflection of the recognition of the sovereignty of the God of Love and His justice, mercy, support and protection.

(35) I Decree full authority and free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to aid the protection of all children and any and all vulnerable children of man who are in need in body, mind, soul and spirit and rendering harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions sent toward these vulnerable ones, and giving them additional opportunities to communicate with God, The Holy Ones, their Guides assigned and one another without restraint or fear.

(36) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the King of Kings and True Ruler of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Representation Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: A pebble being cast into a pond, the ripples going out to distant shores.
Color: Black
Duration:10 days. Repeat the entire Representation Act again at the end of 10 days).

Book 10 - The Salvation Act

(37) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full surrender of my spirit and all attending delegates to the sanctity of baptism of Blood and Water, and I acknowledge that which was created pure became unclean unto itself, and was made clean and Holy once more by the Redemption of Grace, and through this Grace this soul stands in the light once more, and darkness has no authority.

(38) I Decree by free will my bending of knee in humility and spirit aligned with the Spirit and Will of God, now and through timelessness.

(39) I Decree by free will my full awareness of the original issues and I offer this soul’s testimony to the rightness and truth of God’s right to rule over His creation and that it has not been possible for the sons of man to successfully choose for themselves what is right or wrong and that the children of man call for the interaction of God and continue to seek for God and desire to learn and accomplish God’s will even when manipulations occur to their body’s destruction or when their soul is not satisfied by gifts.

(40) I Decree by free will the complete fullness of Love even in suffering by the Son of God’s Love, as testified to and witnessed in the life of His Life, Death and Life Again while maintaining fullness of purity and rebuking darkness, thereby breaking the bondage upon pure creation forevermore and freeing this soul and all children of man to continue the experience and expansion of Love. I receive by free will my birthright as a Child of God created by Love, in Love and for Love.

(41) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present and future events until the Savior of the World and King of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Salvation Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Golden light falling like raindrops from Heaven, covering all, body levitating on gold light, lifting to God.
Color: Gold
Duration: 7 days. Repeat the entire Salvation Act again at the end of 7 days).

Book 11 - The Hierarchy Act

(42) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man this soul’s free will Holy Prayers and Holy Intentions that all those in designations of sacred office and Holy Orders by vows given before God remain faithful and true in submission and humility for the consistent disbursement of acts of ministry to children of man as though ministering to God.

(43) I Decree full authority and free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to render harmless any and all manipulations or unHoly intentions sent toward these servants, and I further ask for additional opportunities of awareness of conscious or unconscious choices of cause and effect for each decision and action where it impacts the spirit and soul of the children of man and their delegates and all living creation in relationship to man. By free will this soul asks for the consistent free will interaction of All Holy Angels assigned to expand the houses of prayer and fellowship to all children of man throughout all the nations, granting Divine guidance, protection and discernment in teaching and reaching the hearts of man through Love and unification of those Holy in reflection of the Love of God and the magnification and sanctification of the fullness of the Name of God.

(44) I Decree this soul’s free will Holy Prayers and Holy Intentions for all religions and faiths to serve as ambassadors of peace and unity under One God of Love, and that all these may shelter, feed, nurture, encourage, counsel, protect, defend, guide and give service by God’s Words and Authority and not their own.

(45) I Decree this as binding on earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events until the Anointed High Priest of the Kingdom of God assumes full authority by order of the Hierarchy Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Succession of shepherd’s staff being given from one to the other from God, through mankind and mankind giving it back to God, row of hundreds of people.
Color: Silver
Duration: 10 days. Repeat the entire Hierarchy Act at the end of 10 days).

Book 12 - The Rainbow Act

(46) I Decree as a Spirit of God born as a child of man full agreement and free will alignment to the completion and fulfillment of the Will of God as originally ordained, including the perfection of the children of man and all living creation in relationship to man and the earth, including the air, water and land.

(47) I Decree this soul’s full agreement and free will alignment of full unity and communication through sacred interactions and sharing of experiences of Love’s expansion and validation of answered questions in the Original Issues of the Sovereignty of God’s Love over this soul and all creation as was commissioned and comes to be in perfect fruition.

(48) I Decree this soul’s full agreement and free will alignment of the end and fulfillment of time and the never-ending expansion of timelessness and the full availability of mobility, unity, communication and interaction between all Spirit Beings and creations of the Love of God.

(49) I Decree this soul’s full agreement and free will alignment to utilize all Divine Decrees and the Twelve Books of Acts of the Love of God to ease the manipulations and unHoly intentions toward the children of man during the end of time and the shift into timelessness, and to call in All Holy Angels assigned and give full authority and free will interaction to render harmless these manipulations and unHoly intentions toward this soul (and that of my husband/wife and those under my care) and to transform any unnatural manifestations and to purify and sanctify any and all movements of elements beyond normal measures and decommission, bind and encapsulate all unHoly until the fulfillment of the Word of God is satisfied through the Warrior Son and His Holy Army.

(50) I Decree this as Binding on Earth as it is in Heaven by the alignment of the Will of God and man, bridging all past, present or future events, and the Prince of Peace of the Kingdom of God and His Holy Army will assume full authority and triumph victorious and return timelessness and rightful sovereignty of the Kingdom of God by the order of the Rainbow Act as ordained by the Blood of the Covenant as witnessed and given through the Holy Spirit by the Love of God, Amen.

(Visualization: Arrows like comets racing across the sky, all heading to a purified and sparkling Earth. The sound of myriads of Angels singing.

Colors: All the colors of the previous 11 Acts: white, yellow, orange, red, brown, green, blue, purple, black, gold, silver in a beautiful rainbow!
Duration:12 days. Repeat the entire Rainbow Act at the end of 12 days).
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Portals of Evil – Opening and Closing Them Are Your Good Intentions Opening the Wrong Doorways?

Each year thousands of lives are injured or shattered by inadvertently opening supernatural portals of evil and destruction. Almost always these invisible doors are unlocked by people who have good intentions but are looking for answers in the wrong places. How does this happen? Are there things that we or family members have done that have invited negative forces into our home? If so, what would the signs be? Is there something we might be unknowingly doing that open them? And more importantly, how can we safely close and lock down these demonic connections?

When we make a free will choice to receive information outside of our own self, it is imperative that we have accurate discernment to know who we are contacting. Often people accept any supernatural communication as if it is from God or someone who is trying to help us. When this supposition is wrong, it ends up in destroying the innocent, infecting homes and families, and creating a string of problems that continually harasses and follows the person, their loved ones, an item or their home.

We live in a world where what is seen with our eyes and heard with our ears is not hardly as much as the eyes and ears that see and hear us. What does this mean? There is a vast invisible world of good and evil around us every moment of every day. There are those who are good: Christ, the Holy Angels, our personal guardian Angel, loved ones who have passed on and are now in spirit form, and guides that were once alive on earth and have been sent by God to help us in an area that they are experts in. And the highest good of all, God - the Father of Divine Love himself; who desires beneficial communication with us so that we may have guidance, protection and peace in our lives.

Truly, we were not created to know everything ourselves, but to look outside of ourselves for higher wisdom - we were created with an empty God-spot that only heavenly spiritual connection can fill. Our spiritual nature is part of the great three balances that we need to attain and maintain a happy life – physical, emotional and spiritual health. Although we may try to put fame, fortune, relationships or material possessions into that spot, nothing will fill it but what it was made for – spiritual connection. So the problem is not that we are looking; the problem is how and from whom.

Not all that is invisible is there to scare us, but not all are there to help us either. There are unHoly Angels (demons) and manipulated ghosts who are all too willing to pretend to be someone they are not, and to mislead and ruin us if left unchecked. Our free will is a shield that can get holes in it, and holes open us up to attack and manipulation by these entities. This can create suffering from unexplainable, prolonged, repetitive or unusual health problems, severe depression, constant assaults on finances, physical health or family and relationships and many other debilitating problems; even to the point of wanting to commit suicide. This is the ultimate goal of evil – wanting the person to feel separated from God, their loved ones, even themselves – that they are “crazy” and hopeless and lost, so that they will ultimately destroy themselves. This is not what God wants, and there are Deliverance prayers and things we can do to become whole and free again (find the prayer in the article Are You Being Attacked? Deliverance and Exorcism at

What is the difference between being attacked and opening a portal? An attack can be a one-time thing, or occur several times through places of damage in our shield of free will. A portal is where an invitation has been made through use of a material object which now becomes a touchstone or channel for unHoly Angels to move through as they please, as many as they want, for constant attacks. This can happen on purpose, as when an object or place is dedicated to a demon by a ritual of various kinds. The object may then be given or sold to another person, thus passing the connections on with it. Whether the person receiving it knows about it or not they have just made a binding contract to the demons by agreeing to accept the gift. Or if a person bought it, to the demon world that contract is still as binding to the person who now owns it, as it was from the beginning by the person who first dedicated it through ritual. Not all dedicated items become portals, but the incidence is high. Can you see now the importance of knowing from who and where your items come? Be especially careful if items have come from out of the country, or are very old. Many portal items are considered expensive, so the person owning them may shy away from getting rid of them. But some are simple and basic to not raise undue attention.

Please note that because of individual free will, God also allows touchstones of good to be utilized as aids to help people (crucifixes, pictures of Jesus, prayer cards, the Bible, etc.) but a channel is never allowed to open as a portal through material items. For example, a person may hold a crucifix in their hand while praying for an Angel to help them, and it will be done. But the channel of connection and sending an Angel occurred because of the prayer, not because it was inherent in the item that was held. Even in places where apparitions of Mary have been seen, a high energy may be felt (all high energies leave a dusting on surrounding areas) but there is no portal. The same may be said for a religious or beloved item that has been passed down through family lines – we may feel the energy on it of love and comfort, but it has no power of its own.

A material item will never be utilized by God to create a portal for Holy Angels to have free will to go back and forth through. However, through the simple process of prayer, Angels can be given the ability to have continual authority and free will interaction to protect, guide and interact in behalf of us, the earth, and those that we pray for. In fact, special prayers called The Divine Decrees have been given for those who are living at this time of world shift, and one of the blessings they provide is the ability to call for the Holy Angels to use their own discernment to intervene in our lives at any time that they think best. And even these prayers must be repeated again within a few days – our free will interaction is needed to continue it.

UnHoly Angels have been around for thousands of years, they know the history of mankind, and have watched all the choices and interactions of your life too. So they also know what kind of things people have used as aids to contact them. These touchstone items are closely monitored by the unHoly Angels. And any new ways that people start using are also placed on the list. Some of these things are everyday items that we may not even realize have a history of divination behind them, but can be triggered as portals if we make an intention, even accidently, to do so. Even if it is not in our culture or knowledge of how it was previously used, we can damage ourselves that easily.

For example, candles have been used as centuries, for good and for bad. Holy candles are a common thing, and every church has a good supply of them, including various traditions in using them, such as lighting one in memory of a loved one who has passed. But they have also have been/are being used in ceremonies to contact the dead (who may not be the actual loved ones), worship ancestors, pay homage to demons and to ask questions of the future. Does that mean lighting a candle or having it in your home is a bad idea? No. But be aware of how you use it, since it is an item monitored high on the list. If you find yourself staring into a candle while the thought “if only I had a sign that Sunny really loves me,” or “I wish I could see grandma again” goes through your head, you might inadvertently get answers from someone you will soon wish you had never met, and it may open a portal through that item, especially if your emotion about the question is very high at the time.

A good rule of thumb is to preface all your important questions in a prayerful manner. Spend time in communication with God, and ask for the Holy Angels to have free will to interact in your life. Setting time aside to do this will give you peace of mind and help you not have your most pressing questions at the forefront of your mind all the time. “Be joyful always, pray continually.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16) In this way, you are asking for spiritual connection in the right way and to the right person, God. And he will provide the answers and what you need at the right time for it. You can count on it.

Similar to the candle, cards of all forms have been used throughout history for good and for bad. This is also why cards in the form of Tarot are a place of real danger, because the prospect of connecting to the wrong word of advice is very real. The same danger can be triggered by dowsing, numerology, palmistry, Wicca, astrology, past life regressions, séances, and Ouija boards, to list a few. These are all places where good and bad can end up getting mixed up very easily, no matter what the intention of the person might be. Surrounding yourself with white light does little good when you are saying that with one side of your mouth and the demons hear you calling them with the other. It is a mixed signal, and the Holy Angels will not answer you this way.

Think of it this way – if a person wants you to drink poison, he will not put it in water – you would taste the bitterness right away and spit it out. But if it is mixed in a sweet drink, it is more difficult to recognize, and there is a good chance you might swallow it right down, to your own demise. It is the same with information given through unclean sources. Yes, they are real connections who might have built a strong relationship with you by being 95% accurate – but watch out for that 5%, for it will kill you. We have a tendency to believe all that is said to us when most has made sense to us or been proven to be right. That is exactly where the manipulation will now come in. And the outcome the demons want is our destruction. When we have built up a place of trust with these beings through methods of divination, it is only a matter of time before they turn on us – because after all, we have chosen and made a contract.

Portals can also be caused by people dabbling in the occult, whether they are just kids reading something out of a book or a small group intent on making a supernatural link. Demonic haunting of homes and graveyards often happen in this way, and it can become a portal on the land or the building itself. What some may start out as simple curiosity can bring into the home evil that will follow and attack the person(s) or house for years and years. What can happen? Inability to think clearly, seeing dark shapes or running shadows, hearing scratching, footsteps, screaming or other voices, difficulty with prayer (especially when using the name Jesus), oppressive thoughts, being touched or shaken at night, dizziness, seeing visions of disturbing or violent images, severe aggressive or depressive mood changes, smelling rotting flesh, receiving bodily scratches, items being thrown or smashed against walls or the floor, images of demons or contorted faces in gaseous form or in window or mirror reflections, severe headaches, nausea, unexplained electrical problems, physical gagging and not being able to breathe, being pushed or tripped, feeling like you are underwater or in a wave of heaviness, and even possession itself. And if the demon has been invited through a portal, it is not just about getting rid of the current offending demon(s), but also closing the door so no more come.

How do you cleanse an unclean item? Bless it with Holy Water, and any negative energy dusting will disappear. If the item is still dark, bust it up, put it in the ground, burn it in a safe place, and cover it back up. It must be totally destroyed so no one else could ever use it. How do you close a portal? Find the offending item, the trigger – whether it is a room in the house or the object. Prayer is essential, for this is a war you are fighting, and you must cleanse the area by the authority and confidence you have by faith. Your winning team is God, his Holy Angels, and his son, Jesus Christ. It is by the name of Christ that you can cast the demons out, and close the portal. It is not a time for fear. This means if you are afraid, call in those who have a stronger faith than you. When you ask another to do it for you and they agree, a new contract now exists for good, and the cleansing can occur in your behalf. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.”(Zechariah 4:6)

A house blessing is essential, a dedication of all things to the God of Love, and a choice of turning away from the things that caused the problems to begin with. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Sprinkle Holy water in each room, and anointing oil over each window while reading prayers and scriptures out loud. It is similar to doing a Deliverance on a house instead of a person, so adjust the Deliverance prayer and use it. Be specific about where you are casting out the demons to - do not simply cast them out of your area, or to the desert or back where they came from - send the demons to God to deal with as he sees fit. Put a crucifix over each door that leads to the outside, and one over each bed. Also be specific in your wording that you know you have the authority as a child of God through the name of Jesus Christ to close the portal and that it will be done. Whether you are a Christian or not, all the demons know who Jesus is and the authority he has over them (read Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion). Gather a group of friends and sing uplifting religious songs and call in the Holy Spirit for physical, emotional and spiritual healing on all participants. Receive an offering of communion in the house, and continue to arrange occasions for celebration and joy such as birthdays and anniversaries. Cultivate a prayerful attitude and make a sacred space or altar in the home where you go daily to pray, also making it a place where you arrange things that remind you of wonderful times in your life; for love, joy and happiness are Godly things. Make the darkest places the lightest, both spiritually and with physical lights and lamps.

And remember that no matter how bad it may seem, you are already a child of God and have the authority as his child to call on him whenever you like, and he will send Holy Angels to fight for you and protect you. But you must take action to do so. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7,8) And this door, happily, is one you can open any time, and can trust with your life.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pornography and Masturbation: How can it hurt?

Does pornography really hurt anyone? If a person just views it in the privacy of their own home, how can it harm? Does it add to a relationship like some have said? What about masturbation? Especially if a person is single, isn’t it better to satisfy needs this way than going out on the town? Really, what’s the big deal?

The body is a blessing, not a curse – and it is made to receive information about our world and one another through its feelings, thoughts and senses. In fact, much of what we do in these bodies helps us recognize our gifts and purposes in life, and helps us connect with one another, with love and with God. And it is the body that contains the spirit, like electricity wired into a house. We are created by God in love, by love and for love. We all face the issues that come with having a body, namely the yearning and the longing we have to express intimacy and feel release. It is one of the three major balances in life – physical, emotional and spiritual health - which helps us stay connected to being human while actively accomplishing our purpose and pursuing spiritual things. All throughout history we see how if one of these balances is missing, major problems arise in a person’s life, often with disastrous consequences. Lack of maintaining balance habitually results in lack of discernment, a spinning out of control, and unhappiness.

We were blessed with the ability to recognize beauty in all its forms, and some say observing pornography is just as innocent as that. We recognize the glory of creation in nature; a majestic sunset, a purifying rain, a gentle breeze, a magnificent rainbow. But we are also built to recognize it in humans, and this is why people throughout history people have respected a beautiful body - seeing the ideal of how we were created to be, healthy and fit. Although modified versions of what is considered most beautiful may change slightly over the years, we have thousands of examples available to us in art, sports and in daily life. It is not the recognition of beautiful bodies that is a problem; it is something else much deeper that causes harm in pornography and masturbation.

There is a bigger picture behind what happens during orgasm than many people know. And this is the secret of why we crave it and want more of it. The moment of orgasm is not just a physical release of the body – it is an instant of intermingling and release of your spirit and the person’s spirit you are with (whether both achieve orgasm or not), and it connects you to the Spirit of God too. For a moment our spirit is at one, at peace, is fully accepted, complete, and unconditionally loved. Orgasm is a place where our spirit literally visits God. Why wouldn’t we want more of it? It is built into our DNA code for more than physically making babies – it literally is a place of receiving and giving love. It is touching the Divine place within us and within one another, and Divine Love himself.

And that is where one of the problems occur. We were not created to keep ourselves isolated from one another. Experiencing orgasm alone creates a two way connection between the person’s spirit and the Spirit of God, but misses out on the completeness it was made for in sharing with another human soul. So the more a person masturbates, the more it escalates a feeling of being separate, alone and empty, whether they are in a relationship or not. This can ripple out to more problems, and a turning inward and shutting down instead of facing challenges of attaining and maintaining healthy relationships and communication. When we feel cut off from others, feelings of unworthiness and depression readily surface and can affect all other places of our lives – our work performance, our parenting skills, etc.

Another reason why problems occur with pornography and masturbation is because it can generate feelings that damage the shield of free will. When we get holes in the shield we get attacked through them by demons, which desire to manipulate and destroy physical health, relationships and finances. When free will is breached, it is like having a nagging voice constantly whispering negative things in our mind. For example: we will never have long-term loving relationships, never accomplish the dreams and goals in our heart, never have full physical health or abundance, that we will always have to watch for the next shoe to drop, etc. This creates a war in our hearts, because we know in our spirit that these things are not really how we want to feel or live our lives - we were created to have happy, healthy lives full of abundance in all good things. Keep in mind that this negative voice is not you; it is a trick, a lie. And you can shut it down, heal any injured or manipulated areas, and have peace and joy again by doing special Deliverance prayers; these help heal the holes and get off anything on you that is not of light and love.

The issue of humanity, sexuality and creation has been of interest since the beginning of time. One of the big differences between mankind and Angels is the ability to procreate. In fact, when a couple enters into making love, a bright bubble encapsulates them that makes a sacred space where none of the Angels or any other spirit beings can see. It truly is a time of connection between humans and God. This special attention (including the gift of procreation) is one of the egotistical issues that some of the Angels had with God and humanity, and Angels left their position in heaven about this, thus making themselves unHoly Angels or demons (read more on the website in All About Angels – The Good and Bad of It All)

It is also the reason for the constant barrage of over-emphasis on the body and lust in the media, magazines, television shows, movies, and emails to the point where what was once objectionable has now become commonplace and frequently overlooked. It is a brainwashing that we will only be loved if we are thin, rich and young forever. It is precisely this entrenchment in our everyday life that makes pornography even more dangerous because people fail to see the danger and leave themselves vulnerable to attack. We are asked to be on guard to pay attention and be aware that we not fall prey to manipulation. “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.” (1Corinthians 16:13) We must be sharp in recognizing what is helpful and what is harmful. We are asked to have discernment and recognize the things that are of love and God, and what are not. It has nothing to do with what is popular or accepted by others or not. Poison is always harmful, no matter what form it may take.

Pornography is a manipulation of our natural desires, a perversion. This is far from what God had intended. When a person willingly views pornography they have opened the door for manipulation of natural desires; it now becomes like a distorted version of an exquisite painting. Where once there was beauty, now all we see is brushes, canvas and paint – all we see is the fundamentals and basics, and we lose all perception of true art and vision that the painting’s creator wanted you to see. It is the same thing by taking the gift of making love and the beauty of the human body and debasing it to the point of centering only on torsos and genitalia. It is a form of idolatry for it places more emphasis on the creation rather than the creator. It is a dangerous pitfall that begins with the violation of the gift from God and can end with the degradation of a person to such a point that a person viewing pornography no longer sees the person in the images as a person but rather they become an object. Whenever anyone is marginalized and separated, destruction soon follows. Pornography harms everyone it touches - those who make it, distribute it, show it and view it. Even children, the innocents, are used for profit.

Pornography also causes problems within relationships. It sets up perceptions of how a person should look or act to enjoy sex, and can create feelings of inadequacy or of “missing out” if they are not looking or feeling the same way. Many have separated over issues dealing with pornography much to the delight of the unHoly Angels. Worse yet, many have sought to carry out disturbing actions they have seen by seeking out others with the objective of trying out degrading and detestable acts of perversion. This destroys what was created to be a sacred place for a couple.

The tendency for pornography and masturbation to become addictions becomes a further pitfall. Like any addiction more and more is needed to meet the level of desired satisfaction. What someone may think is only slightly wrong, something to be hidden from family or friends, grows into a larger problem as it implants more and more depraved images into the mind. People become used to the objectification of themselves and others and no longer see it as an evil but rather seek out additional and increasingly corrupt images and false interactions. The emptiness and injury that occurs to individuals, to couples and to relationships is profound and affect us at our very core. It is the shield of our free will that has been damaged and we have the ability to ask God for assistance in healing it. God can step in and break this cycle of addiction and perversion through a specialty prayer called a Deliverance prayer (Deliverance prayer included in the article Are You Being Attacked? Deliverance and Exorcism at We can also monitor our thoughts and move away from situations that stimulate unwanted thoughts. We can choose to see sex as part of the whole of relationships and not the only reason to come together. We can remind ourselves we are barraged by social and media influences that is targeted to manipulate how we view our bodies and those of others. We can choose to think for ourselves again, and make love how we and our mate choose to in the natural flow of being together.

God does not desire us to have so many struggles with sexuality or with our bodies. The body is a blessing, not a curse – and the instant of orgasm is meant to be a place of union between a man, a woman, and God. It is a gift meant to be unwrapped and fully appreciated, it is not dirty or perverse, but just the opposite. Yet how each of us chooses to handle this gift is up to us. Will we treat it with respect and the treasure it is intended to be, gifting it tenderly to the one we love? Or will we dash it across the floor and wonder why we feel all alone? The choice is up to you, it really is a big deal.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Are You Being Attacked? Deliverance and Exorcism Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Are you suffering from unexplainable, prolonged, repetitive or unusual health problems? Do you have constant assaults on your finances, physical health or family and relationships? Do you have addictive behavior or dependency? Do you feel that you will never have long-term loving relationships, never accomplish the dreams and goals in your heart, never have full physical health or abundance, that you always have to watch for the next shoe to drop, that you take one step forward and two steps back, that you are not worthy enough, not smart enough, not good enough? If you said yes to any of the above, you need to recognize where this negative input is coming from, and break the cycle of abuse. You are the one being abused, you are the one being targeted; and it is time to give you the tools to fight back and reveal the unseen forces attacking you and your family - the unHoly Angels.

All Angels were originally created Holy, but were also created with free will, just as humans were. Because of the misuse of free will there were Angels in Noah’s day that came to earth and materialized male bodies for themselves.“The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose…the Nephilim were on the earth in those days, when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.” (Genesis 6:2-4) This soulless hybrid race of destructive giants God destroyed in the flood. These Angels who left God were then called fallen Angels, evil spirits, unHoly Angels or demons. They were now on the same side of the fence as the Angel called Satan, who was the first Angel that had rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden. Since the flood, neither Satan nor any of the unHoly Angels are allowed to materialize in physical form ever again. But, they still try to appear as mist, brightness, etc, like a Holy Angel, and they try to control behind the scenes. That is why they look for humans to manipulate to be their “eyes and hands.” They want you to do their destruction for them. They want to destroy all that God loves - and that includes the earth, your loved ones…and you. And the demons know they have only a short period of time so they are causing as much confusion and destruction as possible.

How do we get attacked? Our God-given free will is like a bubble or a shield around us. Sometimes we can get holes in this shield. Holes open us up to attack and manipulation. This not only hurts God (because we are his children and an attack on us is an attack on God), but can distract and confuse us from becoming the true potential that God created us to be. When this shield of free will is breached, it is like having a nagging voice constantly whispering in our ear destructive and negative things. This creates a war in our hearts, because we know in our spirit that these things are not really how we want to feel or live our lives. Deep inside our spirit we remember we are sparks off the Divine flame, and were created to have happy, healthy lives full of abundance in all good things. Keep in mind that this negative voice is not you: it is a trick, a lie. And you can shut it down, heal any injured or manipulated areas, and have peace and joy again by doing special Deliverance prayers; these help heal the holes and get off anything on you that is not of light and love. “I had been under the impression that there was something wrong with me. I feel happy now for the first time in a very long time.” – A. in TN

Deliverance and exorcism are often ignored in the modern churches, or kept private like a sacred secret to be known by only a privileged few. But it was not this way in the beginning. Every person, no matter what religion they are, must know how to fight against unHoly forces and clean up our bodies, homes and sacred spaces. We have God’s Authority to bind and loose by the power of recognizing his anointed representative, Jesus Christ. All the Angels know who this is, including the unHoly Angels, and it is the name that must be used to fight against them. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19, 18:18) Jesus taught his disciples about expelling demons right alongside teaching them about healing the sick and proclaiming the Kingdom of God. “Heal the sick…drive out demons.” (Matthew 10:5-8) (Luke 8:26-39) (read more in the article Why Jesus’ Life is Important Beyond Religion at ).

Sometimes the holes in the shield of free will are punched through from the outside. This can occur by physical abuse, emotional abuse, or sexual abuse. Sometimes we punch holes in it ourselves, from the inside out. This can occur by times of high negative emotion such as anger, fear, or even grief; addictions of any kind; willful sin (doing things we know we shouldn’t do but doing them anyway-knowing the difference between right and wrong and still choosing to do the wrong); some medications, severe lack of self-confidence, unforgiveness of any kind including unforgiveness towards others, self and even situations, and choosing fear over love. Having the insight on how manipulation can happen gives you the ability to be more forgiving to yourself and others when actions and words have not been kind. It also helps you recognize what has caused these holes and stop anything that opens you to more attack. “I couldn’t sleep at night, and felt anger boil up all the time - I had even called my wife for the very last time - I was at the point of suicide …Blessed Tiffany and Father Billy Clark prayed a “deliverance” prayer and got rid of a darkness that I didn’t even know I had - I even felt lighter afterward - and now I WANT TO LIVE!” J.S. Attorney-at-Law

There are different kinds of prayers for different things; some can be said by anyone, because we are all children of God. But when there is more against you than you know, or for those confused or wavering in faith, you will need a person who is stronger in conviction to assist you in this process of receiving back your freedom. Those ordained with clerical responsibility are recognized by the Holy Angels to have a special authority granted to them through God to cast out demons, and the unHoly Angels know it too. When the prayers are said an invisible war takes place, and the unHoly Angels are battled and removed from you and your surroundings. You can also say this prayer to cover those under your care – children up to the legal adult age for the area you live in and any of those you take care of such as the elderly and those with severe challenges. The holes in the shield of free will can then be closed. A good priest will also help a person recognize what these holes might be (unforgiveness, addiction to pornography, etc.) so the person can take any weak spots and make them strong once again, and recognize dangerous situations and take positive and healthy steps to avoid or get out of them. Holes in the free will can also be healed through saying prayers called Divine Decrees which were given by God through Holy Stigmata.

Here is a deliverance prayer that you can say for yourself, at any time – and you will be surprised about the clarity you can have and how refreshed and light you can feel without the depression, unworthiness, negative voices, lack of abundance, undiagnosable illnesses, difficulty praying, etc, that might have been pervading your life for years and years. Copy it and carry it with you wherever you go. There is no limit on how often you repeat it, each time it calls in the Holy Angels to fight for you. You can feel peace and joy again!

Deliverance Prayer: "Father, if there are any unHoly Angels in, on, near or around me, I nail, hold them fast and silence them. I decommission, bind and encapsulate them through the Power of the Shed Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. I bring them up to your presence immediately Lord to deal with as you see fit. May you fill any empty spaces and lonely places within me with your love and your light. Thank you Father, In Jesus' name. Amen."

Repeat the prayer as often as you feel the need. Daily, several times a day, whenever you feel any lack of clarity, or experience tension, whenever you feel anything coming against you or anxiety or any negative thoughts come to mind. Remember this is not about fear. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.”(Zechariah 4:6) And please remember it does not mean that you are a bad person if you need a deliverance prayer. In many cases, it is like having dog poo on your shoe, it is just something you stepped into and are now dragging along with you. Though the initial point of contamination was far behind you, unwittingly you carry it along to your house, your workplace, and into your children’s bedrooms, and wonder where the smell is coming from. Remember, the stink isn’t you, but you can do something about it right now.

What is the difference between deliverance & exorcism? Exorcism is needed when there is a full on takeover of a person, where they are pushed aside within themselves and darkness is ruling their lives. An experienced priest is always needed here. When our free will is nearly taken from us, God will work to restore the person’s freedom to recognize Love without interference, but the representative standing in faith with the person needs to have confidence in God’s strength, and know without a doubt that love wins over fear. It is rare that a person is actually possessed. Possession is absolute demonic control of the person. It is demonic oppression, where the good and normal nature of the person is attacked. But more often it is an evil attachment/affliction that is occurring (deliverance). This is very common. Most people have just attracted evil to themselves from past bad decisions (sin), so it has an actual right to be there, a contract as it were, and it just won’t let go. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) But as a redeemed child of God, you also have the right to ask God to remove that contract. You just have to ask, and Divine Love will heal the damaged areas of your free will, and help you become discerning, strong and healthy again.

It doesn’t matter how long ago it was, unHoly Angels can attack and attach themselves and they won’t just “go away.” In fact, rarely do we see only one; they seem to root and call in their buddies when they find a home. Similar to being injured and getting the wound infected, demons often use these damaged places in our armor to dig in and become a wound full of disease. With time we may develop a thin scab over it and think it is over with, but meanwhile the infection under the scab is actually ravaging and eating away at us. Let’s take one example; let’s say as a child we didn’t have a father’s love. In that case, our wound of rejection then becomes a rip in our spiritual defenses (shield of free will) and in no time we may pick up the very real spiritual infections of “the spirit of unworthiness,” “the spirit of resentment,” “the spirit of unforgiveness” or even “the spirit of hatred of men.” The unHoly Angels are usually given the names of the emotions they emphasize. Since they don’t have physical bodies, they don’t usually have names like George, Ethan, and the like. Typically during an exorcism we call out any demonic spirits by the behavior they display. One of the gifts of the spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12 is the “discernment of spirits.” We don’t want to give any power to unHoly Angels by referring to them by their personal names, even if we are told them, unless the person being exorcised already knows it themselves, and then it may be used to cast the demon out. The demons desire to have themselves deified or god-like – they want to make their name known. But, all we need to do is recognize what their major attribute is, and call them by that. This is why occult books name many of them, just for the reason of ego, power and personal identity; which is absolutely contrary to the humble nature of Holy Angels who give all the glory and honor to the name of God.

During an exorcism, there is no need to allow any “Hollywood” type demonstrations. Although the demons want to stimulate fear by causing wild antics to erupt around the person being helped (often without the individual having any memory afterward), a wise priest will nail, hold fast, silence, bind and decommission any demons before that happens. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Having an additional person constantly reading scriptures is nice during an exorcism, and another person or two to help the priest keep the person safe is also recommended. This will minimize any tantrums or injuries the demons may want to cause the person while they are still occupying them during the fight with the Holy Angels. Love always wins, and the weight will be lifted, and the freedom regained. Again, it is very common to need the prayer for deliverance, but very rare to need the prayers for exorcism. The information given here is to simply show the difference between the two, and that there is no reason to be in fear of either one, for deliverance and exorcism are the cure and not the problem.

Unexplainable, prolonged, repetitive or unusual health problems and constant assaults on finances, physical health or family and relationships are the result of attacks by unHoly Angels. But, there are powerful steps that we can take. Specialty prayers for deliverance and exorcism can give back the peace and joy to our lives that may have been missing for a long time. And with that new clarity comes the confidence, safety, joy and peace that we were created to have as a beloved child of God - and it’s only a prayer away.

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